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Help with this please?? *pictures*? - Printable Version

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Help with this please?? *pictures*? - Shalalala - 11-09-2012 12:56 PM!/photo.php?fbid=105495672938092&id=100004329788464&set=pb.100004329788464.-2207520000.1347721335&__user=100004329788464

She's the brunette one. Umm. I was wondering if you could see what makeup , and clothes she would wear based on the pictures. And her bangs do that swoopy thing. Can somebody tell me how to do that or what to tell the girl at the salon.? I'm not to be a poser I swear. And I'm 16 years old. Also she has a light tan that I freaking love. I know it's fall but how can I get that cute glow because I am SO pale. Please and thank you. ** also the pics are from FaceBook so you have to sign into fb to see them and I'm gonna set the profile to public. I made the FaceBook Ike two minutes ago and then as soon as people atop answering I'm gonna delete the FaceBook. I just didn't know where to post them.(:

** I DON'T want to be just like her but I do look like her Alot and the makeup I get make me hideous so again , don't call ne a poser please. Thanks.

- Darlene Aldridge - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

It's ok to like the way someone wears their hair or the way they look but be proud of who you are and the way you look. We are all unique in our own way and there are things that others will always like or dislike about us.

As far as the pic print it out and take it to your stylist, she can more or less tell what it is you want.

Also I read where taking Biotin will help your hair, nails and will give your body a slight tan color which I started taking and have taken for about 5 months and I love's just a pretty shade to your skin and is not damaging at all. I ask my doc about it.