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Inappropriate ads on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Inappropriate ads on Facebook? - Chase M - 11-09-2012 12:56 PM

I have recently come over a pornography ad on Facebook. Most facebook users are around 13-18 years old, and in the US and UK it is illegal (by federal law) to display these ads to minors. I have taken a screen video of this ad, but you must view at your own risk!!!

I was trying to contact Facebook, but can not find an email address. If you know a phone number or email address, PLEASE HELP. For those that don't realize, this act could easily shut down Facebook and cost them possibly 15 Billion $.

This is a very important matter, so if you know ANYTHING, Please do something.

- ian_jt2000 - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

most of the time the ads on facebook are generated by statistics gathered by marketing companies based on your internet activities this may or may not be the case with the ads you are seeing, however regardless of that the ads (although displayed on there site) are not controlled by facebook, i think you will find that in order to be convicted under the statues you are referringg to under US and UK federal law you must prove that facebook was negligentt (ie did not perform a action that a reasonable company would have done to prevent access to the content)

- fudgehead - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

Actually, you are wrong. These picture don't show anything legally considered pornography, and these ads aren't really controlled by face book. If you have a problem with these ads contact American Apparel, the company that published the ad.

Also by agreeing to The Facebook Terms of service, you pretty much signed a liability waiver for it's content. Just read the TOS for yourself.

Therefore, it is not illegal to show these ads, and it is also the parents responsibility to control what their kids see on the internet.

If you want to block the ads, If you use Internet Explorer, (you probably do) Go here and download Ad Blocker.

- Masterbreakfast250 - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

That's not even porn...Victoria Secret's pictures are worse than that.

Take a chill pill!

- Lillian - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

This is not pornography, this is a legitimate advertisement by a clothing company. If you think that's porn, you should see advertisements for Dolce & Gabbana- that's way more skin than whatever this ad is.

Anyway, I wouldn't try and contact Facebook about it, because they won't respond to your outreach. This will not cost $15bil, either, so don't come to conclusions. Facebook does not control the advertisements that are displayed. These ads are displayed on your profile based on the information that you have on your page. If you have Lil'Wayne listed under your music interests, sooner or later a Lil'Wayne advertisement will pop up. If you list that you like comedies, a movie advertisement for an upcoming comedy will come up. So based on whatever information you have on your page, some how that advertisment came up.

If you really don't want to see it again, the next time it pops up, click on the thumbs down icon right below the advertisement. It will ask you why you don't like the ad. Type in your concerns, and it will not show up on your page again.

- shockthetoast - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

I too found this ad very inappropriate (especially for the site). Unfortunately, while reporting pornographic content on someone's profile is fairly easy, reporting one of these ads doesn't seem to be.

I posted a question on Facebook, and someone informed me that on the Facebook safety page, they list the e-mail address as the proper place to report such ads:


@Lillian - these larger ads do NOT give the same thumbs up/thumbs down options.