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Extremely weird dream? Actually kinda freaky? - Printable Version

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Extremely weird dream? Actually kinda freaky? - Cody T. - 11-09-2012 12:57 PM

I don't even know where to start! This dream is really complex... I'll try to explain it the best I can...Bare with me. lol. I'm 13 btw, and a girl, if that makes a difference.
So anyways, I was walking down the street with a group of people. I believe my parents were both with me, and a few of my brother's friends were as well. All of sudden I see this one boy, Luka, who my best friend met at camp over summer. (Now a little info on Luka: My friend has known who he was for a few years now, because her brother went to camp with him before she started going too. It's a really private small camp, and the same kids go back every year. It's an international camp as well, located here in the united states, but kids from europe and all over come too. Luka happens to be from Belgium, and his 2 brothers go to the camp as well. Anyways, my friend has a hugeeee crush on Luka, so we both added him on facebook, and he was talking to me and really seemed to be attracted to me. He sometimes wasn't very clear though, because english is his second language.) Ok back to the dream! So I see Luka on the street, and in his french accent he says something like "Allyson! We finally meet!" And he hugged me and kissed me. Then my mom warned me from behind me and said, "Allyson...Don't go into any wooden houses. They're dangerous."
Well somehow or other guess what? Me and luka departed from the group and ended up in a wooden house. HIS house, to be exact. We were in the basement, and unexpectedly Luka told me he had to go but he would be right back. Somehow he disappeared, which I don't know how he could. Because when he left me in the basment I instantly noticed there was no way out. I was trapped. No doors, no windows, nothing. The scenery around me was not creepy and dark like you'd expect, but rather cozy and brightly lit. Looking around frantically, I noticed two medium sized holes in the ceiling. And when I looked through the holes, I saw a woman. And I don't know how I knew, but It was obviously Luka's mom, (even though I've never seen her) My instincts told me to hide from her, so I hid under a blanket. While I was hiding, I bumped into something and made a loud noise, causing her to notice someone was down in the basement. She looked through the hole, and saw me. I ducked under more blankets, but was startled to see Luka's two older twin brother's underneath them too, holding knives, ready to kill me. THENNNN. I WOKE UP. Lol what the heck.....Any idea where this was going? I know this is a really personal kind of dream, and I'm not sure how I remember everything so clearly. Any explanation though? I'm just curious....

- ♥DreamCat♥ - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

You watched a horror movie before going to sleep or a few days back or you read a news about people killing others? Everyone has very clear dreams sometimes and remembers them perfectly. It's not like it's gonna be true, it's simply your imagination!

- littleblondemohawk - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

Somebody is trying to deceive you.