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Why am I such a reject from society? - Printable Version

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Why am I such a reject from society? - Pikachu - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

I'm 15, and I just don't get my generation at all. I do have friends, but certainly not loads, who i guess I understand, only one of which I always enjoy being with and regard my best friend.

But generally, I just don't get or like many people at all. Despite all my close friends being girls, I generally enjoy talking to boys more. It's just easier for me as they aren't so materialistic, yet I still hate the fact how they go on about sex so much especially now we're in year 11. Most the boys I know all just want sex, which is why I chose to remain single for now, even the ones I thought weren't like that, turned out to be.

I hate all music most people like. I like hard rock/heavy metal, I know a lot of teens like that music but my favorite music is neo classical metal and the one artist I love in Yngwie Malmsteen and no one else has even heard of him. I absolutely despise any main stream stuff in the charts. I just don't get it at all.

I don't enjoy TV, and I hate Facebook.

I hate hanging out in big groups of people, so I hang out with my 2 best friends from school every day, and I like it like that.

I don't get the appeal of getting off with random boys, unlike most my peers.

I hate the clothes all my peers wear.

I generally find it easier being alone, although I still like to have some friends.

My ideal week end would be to go home from school, listen to Yngwie Malmsteen and maybe do my art for a few hours, go to this Christian youth group I go to (I'm not even that Christian, just I have a lot of friends that go who I've known a long time, and I really like the atmosphere there and I always have a good time, so I don't care if it's not the coolest thing to do, I go because I enjoy it.)

Then on Saturday go out to town with my best friends from school and then in the evening see my friends from outside school. Then on Sunday spend time with family, or if we're not getting along, just spend time by myself for a bit.

That is actually what my weekend usually consists off, just with more homework.

I know I'm not popular, I don't really see the incentive in being popular really. I'll try hard with the people I like, but other than that I don''t care at all. I could never be popular anyway as I hate all the stuff 'popular' people generically like.

- Alma Grint - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

Congratulations, you're an individual. Just be yourself and don't worry about not being someone else.

- Dez - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

I agree with ^^. You're an individual, every one is the same in that way (yet so essentially different). There are a million other people who feel and do the same as you, so don't worry.

Also, everyone is an individual. Half of the people you say are "popular" and like "generic stuff" don't really have those opinions - they're just trying to fit in, so they don't feel like rejects. Not everyone is brought up the same - some people have a bold enough personality in that way to be okay being different. Some people aren't. It's all part of a growing up process - everyone has to grow in different ways.

- Ruben - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

There is a lot of depth in what you have said here.

Perhaps the reason you are not mixing with society is because the majority of society is made up of shallow personalities, shallow activities, shallow everything.

Don't worry. There is nothing wrong with you.
The world is nuts. But see what you can do about understanding why they are nuts. Maybe you can help them to deepen... ?

- Bouncybunny22 - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

I don't think you're a reject. You're just you. Ask yourself this, would you be someone you liked if you were obsessed with facebook, lived in front of the TV,and thought the sun rose and set around boys? I don't think you would, and your life is yours and no one elses. You don't have to get involved with the whole dating thing yet, you can do that when you want to. Please don't think you're a reject, you may not be everyone's cuppa, and they may not be yours, but that doesn't mean you're any less of a person than those girls who have had 10 different boyfriends and are headed for pregnancy at 18.

- Mike Neil - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

Sometimes being an outcast isn't a bad thing. I am in a similar position as you. The funny thing is, I do not really care. I found it interesting you added the part about the atmosphere at your youth group. One thing I found out is when others reject you Christians accept you.