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Best guy friend called another girl beautiful on Facebook- do I have a right to be upset? - Printable Version

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Best guy friend called another girl beautiful on Facebook- do I have a right to be upset? - >>flicka<< - 11-09-2012 01:00 PM

We've been friends for several years but about 6 months ago started getting closer and are kinda more than friends. As in, he has made it clear that he has feelings for me and wants to date me, we talk constantly, hang out as often as possible, cuddle on the couch and jokingly make references to dating or being married. When he first confessed his feelings for me, I told him I didn't want to date anyone at the time, and he hasn't asked me out again since. But he constantly tells me I'm beautiful and amazing and needs me in his life. I like him a lot too, and if he asked me to be his girlfriend I would probably say yes.

Last night though I saw he commented on some girl's profile picture on Facebook that "you look beautiful, *girl's name*". I dunno why but it made me pretty upset, and I now feel like he's been using me. It would be one thing if he thought she was pretty or whatever, but to me, the way he said it, using her name and the word beautiful, and that he did it in public, makes it worse. It's like he's proclaiming to everyone he knows that he thinks she's beautiful and that he's attracted to her. Plus, to be telling some girl he hardly knows these things makes me feel like it disqualifies every time he's said it to me. I also feel like I'm being used and that I'm just one of several girls he tells that stuff too, and he doesn't care which one he eventually gets- as long as it's one of us. As if he's not telling me I'm beautiful because he means it, but because he is trying to work me over to get with him.

I dunno...I feel really upset and don't want to talk to him because of this, and also feel like I have no right to be upset because we're not *technically* boyfriend-girlfriend. What do you think?
Thanks guys, I asked on a few other forums and everyone is really shooting me down, calling me a b**** and telling me I have been stringing him along and using him, which isn't the case. When he brought it up the first time I told him I wasn't ready to start dating again yet- I'd just gotten out of a bad relationship. I'm not at all trying to use him Sad

- J - 11-09-2012 01:09 PM

No! He's just complimenting her, that's it.

- rjhfocus77 - 11-09-2012 01:09 PM

expressionism is a lose form of communication these days, you can call any boy/man women or female beautiful, pretty, cute or something like that, sometimes it means nothing, sometimes when it's said to a significant other, then it means everything.

he's probably just into girls

- Ruby - 11-09-2012 01:09 PM

I think you have strong feelings for him. You need to tell him before he decides to move on to this girl. Once you tell him maybe he will ask you back out, good luck.

- Ralph - 11-09-2012 01:09 PM

I can see why you don't want to date. You would be overthinking every thing your boyfriend says and does, instead of taking it at face value. If he said a painting was beautiful, he means just that. When he says it you, he means just that. I know there are times when a man will say that a woman is beautiful and be looking for more by giving the compliment, but you have known this fellow for a while, so you are already aquainted. When he said the girl was beautiful, he meant just that, not that he was looking for a relationship. He has been around you this long, I would say he loves you and wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you.