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I really need good advice about my insecurities? Pleaseee? - Printable Version

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I really need good advice about my insecurities? Pleaseee? - Eli - 11-09-2012 01:02 PM

Theres always this voice inside of me telling me that something else is wrong with me. Whether its how I look, what grades I got, how popular I am etc.. Im just such an insecure and unconfident person and its eating me up inside. Im just hurting so bad over it. I get insecure when I see a girl my age look pretty. For example : A girl on Facebook posted a new profile pic and got like 95 likes and she looks really good in it but the only things going through my head are that Im ugly, that all the guys will like her .... It even bothers me more since this girl used to be mean to me in junior high. I know Im not ugly, Im a little above average I guess.. A lot of people tell me Im "pretty" or "gorgeous" but no matter how many people say it, I don't feel that way. I just feel so insecure and ugly and its affecting me so much. How can I boost my self-esteem? Should I just face the fact that Ill never be as pretty? Its just affecting me and my confidence. Its bad enough that Im really not a confident person but now I have this too. It really bothers me. Any suggestions?

- Kenny - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

Helped me when I was in middle/high school

answer mine?;_ylt=AoOjpcbk8uyhKCFelUnZ9Y3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121011165431AAeUM6o

- Lorna - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

Alot of girls like myself are insecure and look up to gorgeous girls who get loads of attention of boys and Facebook I know how you feel :/. But What I always say to myself is that no matter who you are , even if you are attractive, they'll always be a girl who's better looking than you , you just need to find the boy who doesn't care ! X

- susanperr - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

Remember, we are our own worst critics. You need to be yourself, not try to be someone you are not, accept it and try to be happy with yourself. The worst thing you can do is to compare yourself to someone else. Don't do that. Work on improving what you may not like about yourself. Don't constantly just think about yourself and insecurities. Socialize with others, be interested in them and their lives, hang around people who make you feel good and do things you like to do. If you dwell on this too much, it will handicap you. There is so much in life to do and concentrate on (your future, school, etc.) Don't compare yourself to others. Just be the best you can be and stop yourself from criticizing yourself. What good does that do? Your attitude and frame of mind can either hurt you or help you. Get the right attitude. concentrate on other more important things in life. Get involved in something.

- Nathan - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

That voice in your head, the nagging voice that tears away at any sense of self-confidence or security that you have, needs to be shut out. I think of mine as a separate entity, a persona I call Jeffrey. Jeffrey is the personification of doubt, and while he does often have my best interests at heart, his constant commentary often makes situations worse if acted upon. I know that I sound like I have dissociative identity disorder, but this is more metaphor than anything. Just try to take your Jeffrey's two cents with a heaping teaspoon of salt.

- p0sitivity - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

GIRLLLL, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I don't know what you look like but I know you are!

I can be very insecure about myself and I KNOW I'm not some next supermodel. This is what I do:

1) CHANGE WHAT YOU CAN: get your eyebrows done; shave your legs; cut/grow your hair; motivate yourself to lose weight. Right now, I am currently satisfied with my appearance. If I want to be skinnier, I exercise daily and change my diet.

2) MAKEUP IS HARMLESS. As long as you put a fair amount, you'll look fine. I am not suggesting you CAKE YOUR FACE, NO. If makeup is what you need to look good, put a but of eyeliner on and mascara.

3) Appearance isn't defined by how many people approve of you. It's defined by how you see yourself. If you are happy with your appearance and show it, everyone will admire that about you. Confidence is key!


- Skyler - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

Just remember that everyone has insecurities about themselves, Even that girl that treated you bad in junior high has insecurities. She was most likely insecure about herself and started treating you badly because of it.
My advice is that you can never stop having insecurities about yourself because society will never permit that. We live in a world were pressure is placed on women particularly to look and act a certain way. This will never happen because everyone has their own individuality. As soon as you realize what makes you who you are is when you will realize that their is no need to worry about insecurities.

- Chad - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

Get off facebook seems to be your reason why you are depressed. Seeing all the so called pretty girls on facebook gives a false sense of reality stop using facebook and see if you lighten up. Get a hobby even if its just reading books I recommend I am david by anne holme its an easy read but was fun to read :3 well have fun hope you feel better Big Grin

- Meek - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

I use to be the same way. Your focusing on the negative. What do you like about yourself? What features do you have that make you beautiful? We all have flaws and things we wish we could change about our self. I've come to the point where I love my good quality and accept my bad ones. My flaws: I'm messy, I'm loud, I can't cut starlight, I break most of the things I touch, I'm so not skinny, most of the time my hair isn't done, I can't afford the latest fashion, ect. The good: I'm the nicest person ever, I'm funny, I can cook, ect. As you can see the flaws out weigh the good and that's ok. When you start loving yourself, you will accept yourself for you are and so will everyone else. So my advice is if you can't (won't) change it accept it.

- dogging - 11-09-2012 01:10 PM

Look in the mirror and see how beautiful you are and start talking to yourself. Tell yourself how pretty you are pointing to ever feature of your face and body. Look at your nose, is it crooked, big and looks like you run into a brick wall? What about your eyes, your brows and lashes? Go on down from there until you reach your toes. If everything is average or above average then you know you aren't ugly. I'll bet you aren't as ugly as I am and I married a beautiful person and have 4 beautiful children

When the voice inside of you start talking negative to you just tell it it is lying and you are much better in every way than the voice is telling you. Don't let that voice win, you are much stronger than it is.