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I think someone I know copied a painting? - Printable Version

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I think someone I know copied a painting? - DrPeppersNurse93 - 11-09-2012 01:03 PM

So I have a friend on facebook who posts pictures of her artwork, and she has a photo that is a close copy of a painting by Leonid Afremov. She called it a different name than the original painting, and did not allude to her using it as a reference. It really upsets me to see her taking credit for something that wasn't originally her idea. Is this considered copying/plagiarism, and can I do anything about it?

- Adrian - 11-09-2012 01:12 PM

confront her

- Rob - 11-09-2012 01:12 PM

I don't know your relationship with her, and whether she is making money off of this. Generally, I am a huge fan of communication. Talk to her about it. Get her to admit to copying an original?

- ms_s - 11-09-2012 01:12 PM

There are so many different styles of paintings being sold online that looks similar to every artist out there and sometimes people may end up being influenced by certain artists that they look up, which will want them to do the same techniques. Maybe she looks up to Leonid Afremov, and a few other artists that inspires her to paint like them. If your friend isn't completely copying this mans artwork, than there shouldn't be any legal copyright issues. If she is, than you should tell her about it if she's selling her work. That's if she's selling any of her paintings? She might have to change things up a bit. I paint myself and I make sure that mine are unique, not similar to other artists, but its ok to be inspired by them.

I also have a friend who has copied a painting, like the "Red Tile" painting with different colored tiles leaving 1 red tile in the mix, but she already knows about it and isn't selling it.

- chubbyjeans358 - 11-09-2012 01:12 PM

Can't you just laugh about her behind her back like in real life?

All she did was paint a painting to resemble a painting. No different than any other artist inspired by another's work. Which is the reason that art students go to museums. Otherwise, we'd have a lot fewer nudes descending staircases and three naked lady paintings.

You're basically upset she doesn't preface it by mentioning the other painting.

Here's how the conversation would go if you had the nuts to confront her.

"Why don't you mention Leonid Afrenov? I know you copied that painting from him!"

"I didn't think I needed to do so. I figured it was an obvious homage to him. Doesn't everyone know Afremov?"