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Why are pictures against the Y!A community guidelines? - Printable Version

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Why are pictures against the Y!A community guidelines? - ♥Love and Life♥ - 11-09-2012 01:05 PM

I don't see what's so bad about people asking what their best features are or what profile picture they should choose for Facebook... As far as I can remember, y!a didn't used to delete posts with pictures. Why did they start doing that now?

- iknowthings - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

I think it more has to do with the type of question.. They don't like ones that illicit an opinion (even though most answers ARE opinions). But once I had a question deleted for asking what's the best website for online clothes shopping!

- *Sombra* - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

Those are 'chat' violations, because they are nothing but inane clutter, and because they benefit ... no one, really.

Questions asked here should seek knowledge and/or advice. NOT personal opinion, not ego-stroking, etc.

Deletion of those questions didn't just start recently. They've been reportable all along, but I suspect you are only now noticing because many users are lately reporting much more aggressively than they used to in response to the overall decrease in quality of questions posted to the site.

- Flubbety Yu - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

yahoo doesn;tnecessarily delete them but enough reports from people who are sick of " is my nose cute, pic included" postings

go get your ego fluffed somewhere else. such posts are an abuse of the format

- ? - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

Pictures are NOT against the community guidelines. RATING questions are chat violations of the community guidelines, NOT THE PICTURES. YA IS NOT A CHAT FORUM. YA is KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE forum with a strict question - answer format. If you want to join an email chat forum you can, but you have to sign up with them first.;_ylt=An2__b6Xfy2teVAvuqbxIgPj1KIX;_ylv=3

- Susan Yarrawonga - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

Such questions are deemed to be "chatting" violations as in

- Ooops - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

There is a very simple answer to that. because Yahoo said so and we (you included) agreed to it. I don't see much wrong with it other than it turns this to a chat room rather than a help site. However our opinions don't matter. Yahoo own it and they make the rules.

- Riki - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

Rate me type" questions or asking for opinions are violations for chat. No one knows if the poster is the individual in the photo or someone trying to harass,embarrass or bully another person. Also, most members don't want to log in every day and see 25 "Am I pretty" questions.

Note. it's always been that way it's nothing new.