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Would it be creepy to "like" a girl's profile picture if you don't talk to her much? - Printable Version

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Would it be creepy to "like" a girl's profile picture if you don't talk to her much? - D - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

This girl was one of my classmates last year in one of my classes. I like her but I am very shy and awkward around girls. When I saw her posting something on our university's Facebook page, I recognised her photo and took the chance to comment and ask her if she was indeed in my class. She said yes then added me.

Back in class, we didn't sit together and didn't talk. We have only chatted briefly on Facebook a few times.

I always want to somehow let her know I like her and want to know her better but we are both doing different courses and on different campuses (I only applied to study on her campus due to timetable issues). I wasted a whole semester.

So anyway, she changed her profile photo and I am really tempted to "like" it but would it creep her out? Girls, if a guy likes your photo, do you straight away think they like you/are creepy or it's no different to liking other photos?

- Bubbles - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

No it lets her know you think she's pretty. It will spark conversation maybe.

- Jenny Emory - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

If it's within three days of her uploading it, go ahead and like it. It's not seen as creepy since she'll know the picture was most likely on your news feed.

If it's been longer than that, don't. By then you will have had to be "facebook stalking" her to ever see her profile picture. That would be creepy.

- Julie - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

Talk to her during class too! Flirt a little. That's how you show a girl you like her.

And as for liking the photo, I wouldn't. A guy in my grade liked my profile picture and I had literally never had a single conversation with him. I was creeped out. Even if we had a few Facebook message with someone I would still be a little creeped out if they went on my facebook and liked my photos.

- xxTheJokerxxx - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

yes it would be creepy.

dont try so hard to find the right girl that you resort to social networking, just be yourself and try to have a good time with your friends until you meet a girl through them, and just don't be nervous around them. try whatever you think will work, just try talking to them about random shit and being their friend at first for a few weeks until you ask them out on a date or whatever. and don't be afraid of rejection. who cares if you get rejected, keep trying, if you don't make a big deal out of it nobody else will either. take an example from movies, that shit works with girls, sometimes you have to get a few no's from a girl or get ignored a few times before she agrees to hang out with you. they don't want to feel like they are easy.