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Parents what would you do If your teen daughter? - Printable Version

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Parents what would you do If your teen daughter? - Kelsey - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

I live in a really strict, old fashioned household my parents are extremely protective and don't believe in contact with the opposite sex.
for the past Few months my parents think i've been going to a youth group with our church, I haven't been I went to the gym a few times and met a guy there we've been seeing eachother for the past month. Last weekend he invited me to go to his friends party, it was my first time drinking and we were both drunk. Pictures were taken of us kissing and drinking, My brother found them on facebook printed them out and told me to tell my parents everything or he will. I'm 16 year old girl any advice would be appreciated. I don't no how i'm going to tell her
I just wanted an idea of what to expect as a reaction

- Sarah - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

If your mum is angry you still shouldn't feel guilty. You are 16. Old enough to have a boyfriend and go to parties. You've done nothing wrong.

- BabiiGirll - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

God your brothers and asshole.

- Girly Girl - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

First of all, your brother is right. You shouldnt be drinking at this age. Its illegal and the guy will think your nothing but a whore. Be classy. Print off the pictures, get them off the internet, and tell your parents. You also need to have a talk with this guy. He may be getting the wrong idea about you. Wait till your 18. 2 more years & you can do as you wish.

- skyeee - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

I can't say, I'm not a parent. But my mom would KILL ME. I would be buried in her front yard. I'm not allowed to post pictures of me kissing my boyfriend. So let alone drinking, yep. I'd be dead.

- Robert - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

She's protective, but you screwed up in more ways than you can fix. Maybe you should've thought twice before drinking..or disobeying your parents.