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should we break up? please answer this 10 pts? - Printable Version

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should we break up? please answer this 10 pts? - Precious - 11-09-2012 01:06 PM

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 11 months and we have committed to each other 2weeks ago by saying our vows. Now things are falling apart and we started to do small talk because the previous day I told him that I wasn't in the mood to talk to him(he said I must tell him if I'm not in the mood) and then today he started saying that I must stop sabotaging my happiness even though I didn't tell him why I was not in the mood. On Sunday a rumor spread that we broke up and I told him that we should fix it but he said we should leave it because the important people won't believe it. I also realized that he has cut me out of everything in public view of him like his facebook status he changed to 'in a domestic relationship' and when I asked him about it he said he wanted to prank his friends. He also changed his mxit(a social network) profile which he had the name I call him and also wrote sweet things on his status and location about me. We also haven't ever took a picture together. Who's fault is it? Should we break up or get counseling? And do you have any tips?
my friend used my yahoo account for this question and yes she's 16. Thank you for answering anyway...

- Lynn - 11-09-2012 01:15 PM

Together for less than a year and already saying leave it as a break up...not worth it :/

- Victoria - 11-09-2012 01:15 PM

I would go on a break

- Blonde Sweetie - 11-09-2012 01:15 PM

He is right about the rumour you shouldn't worry about it, let people say what they want. If you really love eachother then you can work on things, don't worry about facebook and social network sites they are just hassle. Breaking up should be the very last resort, if you can try work it out then i think thats you should do. If the social site's are really bothering you then i would just talk to him and ask about them.

- buddhi - 11-09-2012 01:15 PM

Your paragraph tell me that your boyfriend never cares about you, he's probably cheating on you, you should break up and tell why you should break up.

- Sean - 11-09-2012 01:15 PM


- Gio - 11-09-2012 01:15 PM

i say..." wateva "

- King Harold - 11-09-2012 01:15 PM

How old are you? I would guess somewhere between 13 and 16 from your text. Get on with your life dear girl, you don't need counselling just because you break up with a boy/girl friend. I'm old now, and I promise you that you will be AMAZED at how fast your life starts goes, especially after 30, its like you go into "Turbo-Drive"....... suddenly you're 50 etc etc. What is the most important thing in life? To be happy. ALL human beings want just two things: To be free from pain and to be happy. I understand that these things are important at your age, but when you look back, you will see that this was all just a whisper in the breeze. Good luck.