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Do celebrity types like Ashton Kutcher really answer their Facebook posts? - Printable Version

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Do celebrity types like Ashton Kutcher really answer their Facebook posts? - eagerwren573 - 11-09-2012 01:11 PM

According to Blogger Queen, yes, Ashton Kutcher does answer Facebook posts not just answering for ad money from big corporate companies. It's not a surprise to Blogger Queen to see him answering not just her, but other normal non celebrity types, even fans.

- Wilson Beverly - 11-09-2012 01:19 PM

Ashton and Demi are real people, not snotty or mean or uncaring about their fans and normal people alike. I noticed a lot of Facebook celebrities are on Facebook just for the ad money. A good example is a up and coming woman (who will be nameless) who is going to get her own show soon. Blogger Queen noticed that the woman kept naming products, cosmetics, places to go, things to buy, and when Blogger Queen tried to get in on the posting, the woman would ignore and continue with her I loved ABC cosmetics, picked up 12 of them at Macy's today! I would say back to her, Hey, when you were a little kid, remember we had Macy's in our town and they were so small? She never responded. Then I tried a different tactic. She mentioned a new line of lipstick and I played along and said Oh, I took your advice, and went down to the mall and got 5 colors, and all of a sudden she is posting an answer for me. Ashton Kutcher is just an example of many celebrity types that will be your pal on Facebook. Other celebrity types answer also, but many are also involved in advertising for the big bucks. But Ashton has a good heart and loves his fans, his wife and his step kids.

- Caleb - 11-09-2012 01:19 PM

I highly doubt it. Its easier and cheaper to hire someone to pretend to be you and answer them for you...