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Facebook privacy question. For facebook timeline.? - Printable Version

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Facebook privacy question. For facebook timeline.? - Kindom2009 - 11-09-2012 01:12 PM

Hello. My partner is always looking at my facebook and eveytime I become friends with somebody fcebook tells everybody about it. How can I have that information hidden, so my partner cannot see who I become friends with. Its really frustrating. Thanks

- Karen - 11-09-2012 01:21 PM

From your Timeline profile go to friends there click on the edit tab. Set visibility preferences as required by selecting only me or hide from options.
Now your friend list visibility is limited.
You can also hide friends add activity by custom settings to hide such activities from timeline.

- Zeeshan - 11-09-2012 01:21 PM

If that person has added u as Favorite so he ll get notifications about ur every action,bt u can still make this limited.
For this just go to Privacy Settings,from there u ll be given an option of Custom,click on that and then u can set ur settings that who can see ur posts or something else and who cannot.
Otherwise u ll ve to just Remove every time it appears,bt the bad thing is that the person who has added u as a Favorite can see that,so i think that the first one is better.