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What is with these spammy facebook apps? - Printable Version

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What is with these spammy facebook apps? - Jared S - 11-09-2012 01:13 PM

For example, "Soandso" is checking his friends using Tools. To check his activity, click here. Or, "Blah" has turned into a vampire! Click here to respond! Or, "Blah" has just found out the meaning of their name using Name Analyzer. Click here to find yours? How do I block this shit? I don't care if my friends like spamming their own pages, but I don't like spam. Help pl0x.

- ¡Jessica! - 11-09-2012 01:21 PM

For the last few days I've been getting alot of notifications from the Tools application too! It doesn't even work! Well, just block the application and it should stop appearing on your page.

- Jangly Mark - 11-09-2012 01:21 PM

It doesn't block everything, but, you can block those annoying quiz stories from showing up in your news feed.

Here's how....

Firstly, it only works in Firefox. Internet Explorer does not have this feature.

If you do not have Firefox already, you can get it for free here:

Next, you need a Firefox add-on called Greasemonkey.
You can get this here :

Click on 'Add To Firefox'.
When it's installed, close Firefox down and then re-start it.

Finally, you need 'Quiz be gone'
You can get this here :

A few may still get through, but, it blocks most quizzes from your news feed.