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How do I add more privacy to Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I add more privacy to Facebook? - ValleyR - 11-09-2012 01:14 PM

I don't like this new feature that posts to all of my friends wall when I have added a friend. How do I add privacy so that when I add a new friend it does not post on all of my friend's walls?

Also, is there a way to hide a friend on my friends list so that other friends can not see their profile?

- Czech. - 11-09-2012 01:22 PM

Go to settings and privacy.

- setsunaluvr - 11-09-2012 01:22 PM

your friends already shouldn't be abloe to see your friend's profile unless they are also friends with that friend. but in order to do the rest:

log on to facebook.

go up to Settings and mouse over it. it's in the blue section at the top by the Search bar. a drop-down list will appear.

choose Privacy Settings.

choose Profile Information.

next to each classification is a little box that say s who can see each thing. you can choose for each thing to be seen by everyone, friends and networks, friends of friends, only friends, only certain friends, or just yourself.

just click the Customize button in the drop-down list of who can see something. and choose either a list of people who can or cannot see it.

- Serenity - 11-09-2012 01:22 PM

At this time you cannot control the posting of new friends you add to your profile, but you can create custom settings on who you wish to allow to see many different content on your profile. Click on Settings, then Privacy, and then on Profile Information. Click on any of the many option current privacy setting and a drop down menu appears, click Customize.

You can also access detailed Help through the Help section of Facebook which explains in depth how to manage your Privacy settings. Click Settings, then Help, and on the page which appears click the appropriate topic.

- John Stamos - 11-09-2012 01:22 PM

Delete your facebook profile.

- prusa1237 - 11-09-2012 01:22 PM

It's pretty straightforward as some people have already alluded to. On the homepage go to the setting drop down menu and go to privacy settings. You have five areas you can adjust settings for and I believe each of the sub-category in those five areas is capable of being customized.