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Are this couple for real? Or do they both have mental problems? - Printable Version

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Are this couple for real? Or do they both have mental problems? - melodicpickle665 - 11-09-2012 01:16 PM

I lived next door to this crazy couple who only recently moved out. This man would go up town, and something always happened, someone was always spreading lies about him. He would go into detail about characters and situations which had never happened.

She supported his stories and had many stories of her own. They would yell at the top of their voices and just be talking about situations and people who were after them. Including me. I was supposed to be doing all these things to them, they put it around town all the things I had done to them which were not real.

For instance, this woman. let's call her Trudy, said she was driving home and a group of 20 nudists were running down the road holding hands at midnight. They would not get off the road and she called the police and had them arrested.

She committed suicide after her grandmother died at the grave and a security guard found her unconscious and took her to hospital.

Several men chased her and followed her in her car wanting to sleep with her.

There was always a story or drama with this pair.

Some of his stories were

He sent rude messages on my facebook and when I asked his computer was hacked and money was stolen from his account.

He saw a police car up town and assumed someone rang the police and had him up for stalking.

He has inside information about people and can take anyone to court he wants.

He said he can have me anytime he wants me and had a thing for me.

He got a complaint about him and he said people were picking on him.

I was supposed to have done all these things I did not do.

It was a drama all the time with this pair.

I was their friend for a while but no more. Are they weird?

- â™›Angelaâ™› - 11-09-2012 01:25 PM



- Repulsia - 11-09-2012 01:25 PM

"Weird", hmm that's very diplomatic of you. I'd call them bat$hit crazy

- Pranav Thiagarajan - 11-09-2012 01:25 PM

Woah crazy much

- Manikishore - 11-09-2012 01:25 PM

any doubt dear?
if doubt then confirm it.

leave them alone.

or tell them alien story sample.
they will wtart telling they wee with alien all the time since childhood.

if you tell niniru , they will tell nibiru was invented by them.

leave them alone, let them be happy in their world.