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On Facebook, where do the "sponsored" ads on the right side come from? - Printable Version

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On Facebook, where do the "sponsored" ads on the right side come from? - Becki - 11-09-2012 01:17 PM

Is that what is called "spamming", and how does it get there? Does someone get paid for it? Thanks!

- SEO Guru - 11-09-2012 01:25 PM

Yes facebook get paid from it.
Sponsor ads means paid ads which people are paying to facebook for displaying it there.
Facebook get paid when someone like/click on them.
Its called facebook PPC i.e pay per click.

- AppleWeed - 11-09-2012 01:25 PM

He is not the youngest twenties billionaire because like on easy a, whats his face went to the 7 11 and bought a coca cola zero, raise the roof!! Almost ever show from CNN ro god knows what has or go to for advertising. Its a kind of symbiotic relationship I would say