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how do i stop using facebook so much? - Printable Version

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how do i stop using facebook so much? - Living for the moment - 11-09-2012 01:20 PM

i'm not on it constantly updating my status and posting pictures and using it all the time, it's more like when i'm bored or procrastinating i'll go on there and just mess around. there's so much more stuff i could be doing than messing around facebook. how do i get myself to stop using facebook when i'm bored?

btw-i'm 20, married, and in college.
i make plenty of time for my husband, school, friends, i just have a tendancy to go onto facebook when i'm bored and play around.

- Awa Awa - 11-09-2012 01:29 PM

its not becuse ur obssed i had to answer ppls questions who had the same problem and were in the worse state than you. but yes its not facebook to be blamed if it wasent for facebook im sure u would find another thing to be distracted by. how about u find other sites that will take up less of ur time and distract you from using facebook the distraction must be distracted by something else u get me

- Mitch - 11-09-2012 01:29 PM

Block the website. have your husband keep the password or something. do this for a few weeks. it may hurt at first, but you will find ways to cope. afterwards, unblock it, and you will find you dont have the same dependency on it anymore. I had a similar problem with the internet in general, but then it broke for a month, and i found other things to do with my time.

- Zac - 11-09-2012 01:29 PM

just tell me the user name and pass
so i will change the pass ,so you can't use no more
just kidding

- ihsan ehmad - 11-09-2012 01:29 PM

Delete Your Facebook Account .. Simple!

- W - 11-09-2012 01:29 PM

i got myself into this kind of predicament too. for the longest time i would get caught up in the games mostly but it did almost cost me my marriage of 27 years. my best answer is to distance yourself from facebook as best and far as possible. only being 20 there should be so much more for you to occupy your time on. believe me facebook will take control long before you realize.

- RENJITH - 11-09-2012 01:29 PM

Yes! you're addicted to Facebook. You can't simply avoid Facebook quickly. You need to gradually reduce the time you spend on Facebook. Say, if you're spending 1 hour daily, you should reduce it to 30 mins. Similarly, you can completely avoid FB.

Whenever you get bored, do something else like read books, play games, try gardening/cooking, watch TV/movies or something else you are interested in.

Spend more time with friends and family. There's definitely something you're really interested in other than FB. Discuss about it with friends.