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Should I be mad at my husband? ? - Printable Version

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Should I be mad at my husband? ? - Maria - 11-09-2012 01:21 PM

Well this is going to sound stupid but here I go.
We have been together for 4 years now. We have a 2 year old and everything.
We live together. I am the stay at home mom, and go to school. He works from 8am-7pm sometimes till 8pm.
Anyway, you know of Instagram right?
well, I've had one for like 10 months now and he got his 5 months ago (estimating). Well, I've "followed" people that I know from facebook, and have a lot of random followers too! My account is set to public. When I see a nice profile, I follow them. Well here's the thing, my husband has one and he follows people that he knows, and A LOT of women that he claims to know. When he first got it, I saw his phone to show him a picture from his phone, I had to search it up. When I did, I saw he had searched for his ex girlfriend. I got mad because I felt disrespected and that he still cares about her since he wants to "follow" her because he's interested. Am I right? We got past that and 3 days ago, she sent him a request (he's account is private) I saw the request and waited to see what he would do about it. He denied the request. Well, today, I was on mine and I saw on the "followers" menu, and it said that "___ started following ___ and 2 other people" something like that. I click on the name, an it's her! I confronted him about it and he said that their was nothing wrong with that. He has other random women in it, I don't know why he's so interested in what they post or whatever. Most of them are pretty and some are "whorish" looking. I don't do none of these to him, why is he doing this to me? I talked to him about how it bothers me but he doesn't care. It's like he won't "unfollow" any of them. Especially his ex. What should i do? Should I be ok with this? Am I being a crazy psycho wife?

Oh, and they were also having a conversation under a picture of our daughter. And on another different picture she asked him if he still had her number?

- mamatembo53 - 11-09-2012 01:30 PM

I would not be happy if my husband did this to me. Your husband should not be having any contact with his ex, this is very disrepsectful to you. It makes me wonder what is really going on with your husband. Especially since he has other women as contacts. This all sounds very fishy to me. I advise you to proceed with caution and keep an eye on what he is doing. He appears to be hiding something and is not being open with you. This is a red flag in my book.
Take care.

- Shutterbug - 11-09-2012 01:30 PM

Oi. Technology strikes again.
Honestly, everything sounded basically ok to me until the part where he denied your friend request. I'm not married, but I am in a very trusting serious relationship, and exes aren't much of a concern to us. One of my exes is one of my best friends, and he keeps in contact with some of his too. But if I were in your situation, if I were married and my husband refused my friend request right after being called out on his continued correspondence with his ex... I'd feel pretty justified in being upset and suspicious. I'm not saying that he's probably cheating or anything nearly that drastic (I think this little tiff isn't nearly enough to go on for an accusation like that), but his denying your friend request either means that there is something he doesn't want you to see, or he's just bitter about your argument and he's dealing with it in an immature way. Either way, I think it's probably a good idea to confront him about it. Just try not to sound like you're attacking him or accusing him of anything, because for all you know, his intentions could be perfectly innocent, and taking on an offensive position will only close him off to communication and make things worse.

- PurpleLove - 11-09-2012 01:30 PM

I would not be ok with this. Your husband should respect how you feel about the situation and be willing to unfollow or not talk to these girls anymore to make you happy and not having to worry. he should care if it bothering you and be willing to fix it.

- leena - 11-09-2012 01:30 PM

WOW, something strikingly similar happended to me. I totally understand WHY your upset. Shoot, I would be upset too! My hubby requesting an ex, denying it, then actually doing it behind my back, yeah i'd be pissed!!! Anyway, to me sounds like those two are still into one another. I'm not trying to add fuel to the fire but I can say this with certainty for I lived that very betrayal for 3 long years. Let me just share my experience. My ex was cheating on me with his ex of 10 years and added her family behind my back on his facebook and was all up on their business all the damn time and when I found out I asked to remove these irrelevant people from his account and he said he would, but he never deleted them from his facebook profile. He was all uptodate on facebook on top of already having their phone numbers, that just went to show me this guy was not over his past, my ex is still clinging on to his ex and all her family, maybe in time they'll get along again and be back together, who knows but I chose to see things for what they were. Im not suggesting you do the same but rather not try to water things down and certainly don't ignore the bright-red flags! Good luck!

- allanfaithy - 11-09-2012 01:30 PM

Your husband does not respect you,if a man loves and cares for his wife,he may be doing all sort of rubbis outside, i mean like smoking,womanising etc but he will never let his wife to KNOW...May be your husband doesnt know,dont judge him yet,keep talking to him,its your right to quarrel over such matter because you are a wife not a girlfriend,if he contact a veneral disease outside,you are at the recieving end...BUT PLS BE CAREFUL AND BE PRAYERFUL for him to change,these things happen in many marriages,with God and understanding,i believe it will be okay.I HATE THE SOUND OF DIVORCE.God will be with you

- squaremaid658 - 11-09-2012 01:30 PM

Yes, you should be very mad.

- jazzy_gal - 11-09-2012 01:30 PM

..........i have got the password of my husband's fb Smile)