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if u and ur husband both have facebook accounts and u have sent friend request 2 him and he ignores them and? - Printable Version

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if u and ur husband both have facebook accounts and u have sent friend request 2 him and he ignores them and? - questioning wife - 11-09-2012 01:24 PM

he has left his status single what would u all do or think in all honesty speak ur minds please!

- Celeste - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

Its confrontation time......

- countrygirl2415 - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

say what the heck im you wife and why is your status single change that right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- chmacqueen - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

Many people don't bother with their status's and just leave as single. Only the FB junkies have everything perfect.

But also its HIS FB and probably wants his bit of space without feeling he's spied on. You want your hubby reading all your texts, your emails, listening to every bit of gossip you say or hear? Even married couples need their bit of personal space and your being possessive expecting he lets you watch every bit of his life.

Plus maybe he just doesn't FB much or just logs in for something specific.

- MissyM - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

You should have access to his account and vice versa. If not, I'd say there's an issue...

- Eric L - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

then you should stop using facebook and thinking it is some meaningful measure of your relationship

- QuasiTroll - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

I would close my Facebook account, and encourage him to do the same.

No good *ever* comes of Facebook. It is systemized narcissism.

What would I think? I would think my husband was trying to trade up.

Get the f*ck off FB, and insist your hubby does too. It's stupid and causes way more anxiety than it is worth.

- Cybi - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

A married man says he is single online?

He is up to something online.

- Bobbie - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

Perhaps you should speak your mind and we will let you know if your on the right track??

- Klara - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

That's the reason we both decided to not get a Facebook account, we both deleted it... Honestly , he must be doing something in order to not accept your request. That stuff is crazy I got what I bargained for after opening up a Facebook for my husband, some crazy chick would send him messages not knowing its me talking about he was and how she didn't personally knew him but attended our wedding. F that girl don't let no biatch hit on your man . Have him get rid of that asap... Facebook is Nothing but drama save your marriage