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M i In love with him or is it just attraction!? ITS IMPORTANT PLEASE ANSWER!!!!? - Printable Version

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M i In love with him or is it just attraction!? ITS IMPORTANT PLEASE ANSWER!!!!? - lifestyle - 11-09-2012 01:27 PM help me out here too please! :'(

Now... Here is my new query... I m in contact with this guy since last 5 years... Let's assume his name R...
Now we used to be neighbours he's just 4 years elder... does this age group matter lot?.. we became close friends in a year and so... Later I shifted from the apartment to my own home which was at rent that time.. so i stayed in flats... Now after shifting he contacted me back ... Like after an year over facebook.... then we started chatting a lot..he used to be a real reason because of which i stayed happy... He shared everything with me... from his very first kiss to very first protest campaign held in his college.. I always liked him... maybe as a friend but.. yes i did.! One new years eve... I was kinda drunk along with my friends.. and i showered my feeling on him! Like a StUPID GEEK!
and since that day he has not kept that contact with me... He said He's a kind of brother! It broke me..!
I went in few relations to keep myself happy with some other guy... but got more hurt when got dumped with each one of them!

I seriously want him! He's not that smart....neither too hot.. But from the inner soul he's the guy I always liked him... I could not stay a day away from texting or chatting with him! Now the time has come when i wait for him to send me HI from his side.... Thought i sent one from my side quite number of times.. But I don't want him to feel i'm a sticky ass or something... please help me... i cant move on... :'(

- Michael - 11-09-2012 01:35 PM

Age matters less the older you are. If you are 14 and he's 18 that's a big gap. If you're 26 and he is 30 that's nothing.

It sounds like he just thought of you as a friend and you having a different kind of interest in him isn't something he was interested in.

There's not anything you can do here. When someone doesn't see you like that, they don't see you like that.

You could change yourself to fit the mold of what he looks for in a girl (physical/emotional/whatever), but is he worth it? That's for you to decide. If you're willing to give up who you are to have him, you MIGHT have a chance but you're better off finding someone who likes you for you.