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Need some insight on my man, please!! 10 POINTS!!!? - Printable Version

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Need some insight on my man, please!! 10 POINTS!!!? - HI! - 11-09-2012 01:29 PM

I am in a long distance relationship with my guy for over two years. He is planning on moving in with me next year. We are both in our 30's, and because of our age, I cannot believe I am even going through with this.

We communicate frequently by phone, text, and email, but never through facebook. He is rarely on there because he thinks it is silly. Anywho, our profile pics are of each other, and has been that way for 2 years. Recently my sister came and visited me (whom I only get to see maybe once every couple of years due to location) Well, I changed my pro pic to my sister and I. And then I also posted a youtube video of one of my favorite songs (which happens to be a break-up song, but I love it) After that, I had noticed that my guy has been real short with me through texts....not his typical lovey-dovey self. Asked him what was up, and then he told me that it made him really sad to see that he is no longer in my pro pic, and is worried that I want nothing to do with him because of the song I posted??? We have a wonderful relationship. We never fight, we still act like we did when we first met each other. The sex is awesome....and he has been hinting at marriage, which I told him that I would be honored to take his last name when the time comes. So, why would he assume these things of me. Over a song and a pro pic? It is not like it was me and another guy, it was a silly pic of me and my sister. So, to prove to him that I do indeed love him, I dropped what I was doing in the middle of the night, and drove over 3 hours just to give him a hug and to tell him that I love him in person. He says he is sorry for all of this, but I have no ideas where this would come from. Could he be getting cold feet about moving in with me? Could he be having second thoughts? Opinions please!!!

- acmeraven - 11-09-2012 01:37 PM

Never but never forget that men are idiots and deep thinking makes our heads hurt. Just tell him the fridge is full of beer and you have extra batteries for the TV remote and that he isn't going to be required to do any heavy thinking.

- Mrs - 11-09-2012 01:37 PM

Sounds like he is prone to jealousy-red flag!

- Aoife - 11-09-2012 01:37 PM

He sounds like a controlling person.

- Thaddaeus - 11-09-2012 01:37 PM

it could just be that he really loves u and got scared that something was up between u 2 and didn't know how to react. or maybe its happened to him before where a person just stopped caring. but as long as u reassure him that u love him and that u didn't mean anything by it and just explain what happened it should be fine.

- Alicia - 11-09-2012 01:37 PM

For a long distance relationship sounds like you guys are pretty solid. I dont think hes getting cold feet about it, I swear men get p.m.s to and maybe he was just having a bad day and thinking into it to much, facebook isnt something that should have that much control over any relationship, long distance or marriage so I wouldnt worry about it to much.

- STFU_0123 - 11-09-2012 01:37 PM

You have been together 2 years, but with this being long distance and all, Im wondering how much you see this guy to actually know him that well?
The reason I ask, is your going to move in with him!

Moving in is a HUGE step. This inevitably will help you to decide if this is what you want and in the long run, to marry or not, which is good.
Thing of it is, when move ins happen alot of arguments tend to occurr as well. In other words, you may find out hes a slob or he'll get lazy and have you do everything.
I only say this because they are all possibilites and yet, hes getting upset over a change in your profile picture on a social networking site he claims he doenst care about?!
He's obvioulsy on there enough to check what you've been up to and my guess, it wasnt long after you changed the picture. Hmm, he sounds pretty sensitive and insecure, for a man. If hes going to get upset about that Im wondering what else he'll get upset about and in the long run it could worsen. Sorry, but I know men like this, you should probably be cautious that hes not the jealous, control freak type.