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I'm getting these mixed messages from my crush. What do I do (10 points!)? - Printable Version

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I'm getting these mixed messages from my crush. What do I do (10 points!)? - Blazekin36 - 11-09-2012 01:32 PM

There is this one girl on my bus that I like and we each others phone numbers and have met up once back in September. Anyways, it was obvious she liked me from our eye contact on the bus and in the hallways and saying hi on the bus. Everything was great. However, last week, I sent her a text saying Whats up? Usually she responds back in a minute or two but ignored my text. Eventually, that week, she started not showing up in the hallway where we usually pass each other and ignored me like I was never there on the bus. I then thought that she was trying to play hard to get now. I went along with it by not riding the bus for 2 days in a row and not passing by the same hallway we pass each other by. (There is a short way around that hallway we cross each other) I took notice that, after not seeing me for 2 days on the bus and in the hallway, she started appearing in that hallway more often and quickly, implying that she might have messed up and wants to show she still likes me by passing each other. Then, on the first day after not riding the bus for 2 days, we had loads of eye contact and she talked loud on the bus to get my attention. It looked like she was running back to me after not giving her any attention. However, that day, i sent her a friend request on Facebook and she hasn't accepted it yet. (she didn't decline because I know if she has) Now, she thinks she has me trailing after her again cause I didn't see her in the hallway at all today. On the bus though, she sat in the seat next to me and (I was on the phone talking) it felt like she was glancing at me. Plus, she now often talks to other boys when around me when we wait for the bus and she is facing in my direction when talking to them. (Trying to make me jealous?) Not to mention that fact that she now shares a locker with her friend and that locker is right by mine. Her locker buddy also rides our bus too so maybe she told her friend she likes me and they are now sharing the locker. I can't tell if she likes me or not anymore. is she playing hard to get? Thanks y'all!

- French Hornist - 11-09-2012 01:41 PM

First, play the french horn. And then text her, "Hey what's up Smile" If she responds, then talk about the french horn and when she is confused ask her out

- CPD2ND - 11-09-2012 01:41 PM

She probably just doesn't know what she wants right. Give it time and try to clear some things up between you two. Oh yah and don't over think every single detail she does, some things really have no meaning to them.

- Paris - 11-09-2012 01:41 PM

Its hard to tell what she is trying to get across. But if you want to know if she likes you or not, just ask her. Don't ask her friends, ask Her. It shows you're bold and brave, and that you go for what you want. However if this is not what you want, then simply leave it alone.

- Luke - 11-09-2012 01:41 PM

haha yea definatly playing hard to just do it back but not as obvious.....good luck Smile

- ... - 11-09-2012 01:41 PM

i was once in the same exact situation.. but i was the girl. she definitely likes you, no doubt Smile

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