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can i get government grant money to pay off my credit card debt? - Printable Version

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can i get government grant money to pay off my credit card debt? - cinangel - 11-09-2012 01:34 PM

Seen the Facebook ads, wondering if there's some truth in it.

- Stingray - 11-09-2012 01:42 PM

would be nice

- Judy - 11-09-2012 01:42 PM

There is no such thing as grant money to pay bills!!!!!
Grant money is for only 2 things.
1. To help you out in a bind. You get the money through a goverment agency like the united way or the salvation army.
2. Grant money to start up a non-profit organization.

- sassy25 - 11-09-2012 01:42 PM

Sure and you could also write Santa Claus for help also.
No there are NO Government grants for personal use.

- edward p - 11-09-2012 01:42 PM

sorry you are in over your head in credit card debt.

to judy: you said "You get the money through a goverment agency like the united way or the salvation army."

sorry, judy and cinangel, the united way, the salvation army and organizations like that ARE NOT government agencies. they are non-profit charitable organizations.

you cannot get grant money from them.

grants come from foundations, individuals, even the government and generally very specific about what you need to show / demonstrate / prove why you want the grant. you usually have to fill out a application form [might be very detailed] and wait for them to decide.

foundations, individuals, even the government may "give" you money for short-term emergencies, but you have to document and justify the emergency need.

beside, think about it. if one could get government grant money to pay off credit card debt - guess what??? the US govt would be about 50-100 trillion dollars in debt [where at about 11 trillion now].

talk w/ your credit card company about setting up some sort of payment plan that you can afford and they will agree to. otherwise, you lack of payments on the acct will result in negative credit report.

* reminds me of when i was a kid. travelers check companies used to advertise all the time and even on game show "you can purchase these for 10 cents on the dollar!"
"wow," i thought, "i can buy a dollar travelers check for 10 cents!! sign me up!!!" then i learned you gave them a dollar and 10 cents and they gave you a 1 dollar travelers check.

- Wayne Z - 11-09-2012 01:42 PM

Government Grants to pay debt and other bills do not exist.

Those ads are scams.