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Friendships V.S Relationships? - Livy Loo Loves You - 11-09-2012 01:35 PM

Ok i need advice.See My situation all started with my best friend and i.Since a few months ago I really liked this guy at my school.His name was jacob.And over some time my crush on him grew bigger and bigger and my best friend chelsea was the one i always told.And chelsea shes very smart and she likes her schoolwork much.She only cares about her school work and nothing else.And she knew about it.And i eventually told him that i had a crush on him.And he liked me back.Which was so exciting for me since i really liked him.And so we started dating for a few weeks.But chelsea doesn't like jacob.Jacob Likes to hold my hand during lunch times and he likes to kiss me during breaks even though my school has a school rule about PDA (public display of affection),which made chelsea unconfrontable..but she never told me anything.So one day during school she come up to jacob and i and she told us how it made her unconfrontable and how us touching each other distracts her from her work.And I tried to level with chelsea to make he confrontable.But jacob thought she was trying to separate us from our relationship.So during classtime,jacob gets told to go to detention for wearing wrong uniform.So i wait outside my classroom waiting for jacob, and when he comes out he tells me that we chelsea complained to the school saying we were breaking the school rule about PDA.And if we get caught again we both will be suspened from school.So Jacob and i were mad at chelsea.How could my best friend nearly get us both suspened.A few weeks past and it was during the school holidays.And i recived a message from one of chelseas friends connor through Facebook.And he starts telling me off how i betrayed chelsea.So i explain to connor how the whole story actually happened.And all i explained how it was very low for chelseas standeds to do that.Next day i get a message on facebook and its from connor.But it said from chelsea.Chelsea doesnt have facebook but she was using connors facebook account.She was telling me off and saying how disappointed she is to me.So try ignoring the messages and i block his facebook account from my friends list.So on the week my school goes back to school.She starts teasing Jacob and saying how hes a "pet" and no "pets on the seats".It was pissing me off so much.And i tried to tell her off about it.But then she drags the connor story back and how i was distracting her from her work.She made me so angry i stormed off and told her to never speak to me again and ran into the girls change rooms.So a few days passed and i have'nt spoken to her since.But she keeps hanging out with my group of friends.She joins us when no want her around since shes so uptight and always follows the rules ..and lets face it she is'nt fun.But it annoys me cos i dont want her to be around.I hate fighting with friends especially since chelseas my best friend.How can i Stop this fighting but i still want to keep my relationship with jacob.What should i do??

- Bonkerz - 11-09-2012 01:43 PM

Your friend sounds like a truly pathetic and sad person
Sorry but that is the truth
She is jealous
Show her you dont care
Find more friends
She will soon realise her mistake and come crawling back
Though to be honest i would then just send her away again
It doesnt sound like shes worth bothering about

You and jacob sound sweet dont let her wreck it


- M.A - 11-09-2012 01:43 PM

Your friend envies u.

- sillyjudge791 - 11-09-2012 01:43 PM

I know what it's like to 'fight' with friends, especially when it's not your fault.
Chelsea was obviously a little jealous with your relationship with Jacob, maybe she felt like she was losing you, and she let you know. She should have given you a chance before telling the school (although if it's against school rules, you shouldn't really have been doing it anyway).
I'm not sure how you 'betrayed Chelsea'. If anything she 'betrayed you'.

Teasing Jacob was her way of making herself feel better. She felt like she had lost, both her friend and the situation, and making 'the reason' feel crappy made her feel better. As long as you weren't nasty when you confronted her about this, then you had every right to do so.
I don't know how the 'Connor' thing has anything to do with her teasing Jacob or how your relationship with Jacob could have been distracting her form her school work, especially since your PDA was only out of the classroom.

She is trying to feel as if she still belongs and is still wanted and important by hanging out with your group of friends. She is probably hurt that you have 'chosen Jacob over her'.

Situations like this can be hard.

You can try and talk to her. Tell how her behaviour has made you (and Jacob) feel. If she wishes to be immature and bring up the same things as before then maybe it isn't a friendship worth saving.

Normally I would say not to sacrifice a friendship for a boy but her behaviour make me question whether she is worth it. Let her know that you don't want to fight with her anymore. That you miss her and her friendship. If she gives you an ultimatum (her or Jacob) then it's your decision who you choose, but remember, would a real friend make you choose?

I have had friends behave like this and had to decide whether they were worth it. I can tell you that is was very hard to let them go, especially the really close ones, but I had to accept that I had out-grown them and I had to move on. If they were willing to make me feel horrible and make me choose, then they weren't really friends. Friends want you to be happy, no matter what.

I hope everything works out for you. Good luck.