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Do you think she has now changed her mind and wants more? Please answer. 10 points going. Thanks? - Printable Version

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Do you think she has now changed her mind and wants more? Please answer. 10 points going. Thanks? - Thomas - 11-09-2012 01:40 PM

Hi. I am 16. So i got off with a girl (she is 17 but in my year at school because her birthday is before mine. We are at different schools because mine is all boys and hers is all girls but they are really close) a couple of months back and started to like her but then she turned me down when i asked her out but we stayed friends and spoke regularly since we got off. Well her friends have recently been saying to me that she does actually lile me and that they have no idea why she turned me down. Also she has started to talk to me first a lot more recently and pass me compliments like she likes my personality, likes my hair or likes one of my middle names. At one point she also asked me how things were between me and a girl i had a small thing with (she was basically asking if i was going to take it further with the other girl). She has also started to like my stuff on facebook more and send more x's when we text. We flirt over the phone and stuff. She also texts me stuff sometimes like 'you dirty thing' when we are flirting and she wishes me good luck in things i do all the time and then asks me how i did later and she also expresses sympathy a lot for me. Finally, tonight i saw her again with a group of friends. We ended up talking together a lot and we got quite close a few times when we were throwing yoga balls around and we kind of fell down togetger and stayed like that. She also offered me a hug at one point when we were joking around and she touched my chest at one point because i poked hers and jomed that she had no muscle there. Her final hug when we left was different than the ones she gave to the others because it was more soft and gentle and yet more firm. It was also longer and she sort of stroked my back with her hand during the hug. Could it be that she now does like me? I really don't want to get turned down again because it hurt so much last time and i have never felt like this about a girl before.
Sorry for reposting, i just wanted some more views.
Thanks a lot everyone for your time Smile

- F - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

You have to ask her.

- The Flying Carpet - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

You need more that a simple hug. Women crave attention; an that was a covert way of getting more of your attention. You need to hang out with her and her friends after school to see how she really feels.

- Katherine x - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

she probably likes you, so next time you hang out, when its time for you guys to say bye, give her a kiss on the cheek and take it from there Smile x hope this helps x

- Vatsal Shah - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Well, if you really like her that much and want to be with her then i suggest that you try asking her out again. But first try to make her feel more comfortable around you. Take her out somewhere alone for a movie or some place which she likes. Try to impress her by doing something good for her(like give her a gift or keep her happy by making her laugh and talking sweetly) before you make your move. Also find out from her friends again if she still likes you. She'll most probably say yes this time because you two are very close and from what you have told it is understandable that she does like you very much. If she tells no then try to explain how you feel about her and how much you want to be with her. If she still does not tell yes then you should understand that there must be some reason other than her feelings for you. You should not get too sad by this and continue your friendship with her as someday soon she will tell you her true feelings for you. Hope i could help and best of luck with asking her out.

- James - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

sounds like she is playing games or trying to get you to chase her some girls love to do that the solution is man up and ask her again if she says no be cool , calm and collective and straight up ask her what kind of game she thinks she is running I mean you can be more diplomatic if you want but let me tell you something I have learned in my 32 years on this earth most teenage females have more love the tough guy or as some call it the asshole that takes no shit than for the sensitive crybaby who lets them manipulate all his emotions by playing said game and crushing his heart the latter puts you more in the friend territory you know as in I just want to be friends basically do not be the victim your better than that put the ball in her court let her chase you and hell if she does not then screw her trust me there will be plenty more where that came from you are sixteen you have plenty of time well good luck to you brother I am curious on how this will turn out oh one last thing act sooner than later do not drag it out much longer