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How do I add new ictures to an album on facebook timeline? - Printable Version

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How do I add new ictures to an album on facebook timeline? - LOVE ♥ P I N K - 11-09-2012 01:40 PM

I created this page on my facebook, I have the timeline, and I hae no idea how to add a photo to my profile pictures album. Everytime I go to add a picture, it automatically creates its own new album. How do I keep adding photos to one album?

- abraXus - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

click on the album first, and then click "Add photo"

you probably just arent clicking on the album first

you can also go to your timeline and do it from there

- Peppy - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

on your timeline click on your photos then go to album of your choice open and on right hand side you should see option add photos click and then browse your computer to where you have the photo you want to upload. I have noticed some times it doesnt look completely uploaded and stops but if you close the page and or hit go back button it is usually there the photo you can edit description when you view photo. That is what I do because sometimes I can't save if I try to add a caption when I upload . I hope this helps enjoy Smile

- Hanna - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Press on "photos" on your timeline. Press on the album you want to add the photo/s to. In the top right hand corner theres a square where it says "add photos". Press on that and just choose the photos you want to add.

Profile pictures are a little different though. to choose a new profile picture you have to hold over your current profile picture. "Edit profile picture" will come up on it, and you press on that. Then you just choose upload photo and that is your new profile picture!

Hope is helped Smile