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how do i make my boobs bigger without surgery ? - Printable Version

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how do i make my boobs bigger without surgery ? - Sophie - 11-09-2012 01:41 PM

So i have been talking to a few boys who all like me, i met them over friends and spoke to them through bbm and text and facebook before actually meeting them in real life. my profile pictures make my boobs look big, and yes i admit i edited them a bit :L and boys have complimented me about my body over this,
however, in person i have really small boobs for my age ! im 16 and they are basically none existent.

im meeting with one who is my boyfriend and he is planning to have sex with me, which i am fine about though he thinks i have big breasts, i cant stuff it or wear fake ones in case he grabs me or something unexpected happens, i need to get bigger boobs, and soon !

can anyone tell me what foods, drinks, things i can do to them, etc to make them grow faster and bigger, im so guilty for what i did to my pictures but i cant tell them :L please help x

- ♡Rapture♡ - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Do push-ups. They'll work out your pectoral muscles.

- BelleBoutique - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Dear god, what on earth has this world come to. Your 16! Your the kind of girl that is asking for something bad to happen to you. Get some self respect and meet boys that would respect you for you!

- Evan - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Holy fuck our new generation is fuc ked up.

- Lydia - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

wear a push up bra. Or don't have sex your only sixteen, he should like you for you not for the size of your boobs

- Jessica - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Try breast enhancement vitamins! But think twice about the kind of boys your talking to and be careful :]

- BeachhBabeee <3 - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Gain about 5 pounds, you won't look much different but it will make your boobs slightly bigger. Every summer I fall down to 100 pounds and am an A cup but then school starts up and I weigh about 106 and then I'm a B cup O.o

And get a Victoria Secret bra!

- Jay - 11-09-2012 01:49 PM

Here's a simple solution.

When you go out with a guy, put on a push-up bra. 16 year old guys don't know jack about sex despite the fact that they watch porn all the time, so they will really not know (or care) if your boobs are big once you take it off.

And if your boobs are actually really small, embrace it! Some guys like smaller boobs and other guys simply don't care. At 16, guys will hit anything that moves. Your guy might say to his friends 'oh they aren't as big as I thought they were' but it really doesn't matter.

Maybe I'm just old.