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Get rid of ads on a specific page? - Printable Version

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Get rid of ads on a specific page? - AnGel Patel - 11-09-2012 01:42 PM

How to get rid of adds on youtube and facebook?

- DunbarPappy®ϟϟ - 11-09-2012 01:50 PM

FIREFOX: Tools> Options> Privacy> top drop menu set to "Firefox will use custom settings..."> Check 'Accept Cookies from sites'
â–ºUn-Check 'Accept 3rd Party cookies'.
And tick the very top box regarding "Do Not Track".

A good collection of effective add-on's (Official Mozilla) is here:
AdBlock Plus (with 'subscription' added) helps defray rubbish.
When ad images appear, cursor over it> right click> on the bottom of the pop window (block image)> click the bottom entry.

You should also get "NoScript" for security reasons and blocking stubborn 'scripted' assets.
Bookmark and refer to this page for how it works, and how to use it when sites don't function as you need: