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How can I tell people I'm a brony? - Printable Version

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How can I tell people I'm a brony? - Patrick - 11-09-2012 01:42 PM

I have been doing it subtetly like changing my facebook cover and profile picture but no one knows yet and I'm worried what my friends would think. I mean, they're not wrong or anything but if someone is different they can be very horrible like they where mocking me for 2 weeks over uploading a minecraft video! Should I tell them?

- Doktor Evil - 11-09-2012 01:50 PM

Stay in the closet. Society will not accept.

- moron - 11-09-2012 01:50 PM

what the fuks a brony?

- Wedge - 11-09-2012 01:50 PM

What is your need to share this information? Do as you wish, enjoy what you like, but don't announce it like it's an important news flash.

- Sovember - 11-09-2012 01:50 PM

I know this guy who told the whole class he was a brony and he has a couple of friends

So no it's not social suicide. JUST DO IT

- Dr Redthumb - 11-09-2012 01:50 PM

no, not unless you want to make things difficult for yourself.

- Jack - 11-09-2012 01:50 PM

This all depends on what you personally think is best for yourself. There are two options:
1. Remain a closet brony
You can enjoy the show and fandom online and only talk about it to other bronies via chat or other applications on various websites, but remain as someone who's not a brony in the eyes of others in reality.
2. Be a brony Smile
I just came back from a brony meetup and it was great, lots of fellow fans of the show, all ages and genders, all having fun, embracing their love of the show and fandom. If people laugh at you for being a brony, shrug it off, at the end of the day their just laughing at you for liking a show. You're not forcing them to like it or anything so their hate would be directed at the show, not you. And if they tease you for liking the show, that's their problem, it's weird to mock someone for liking something, sure some wont agree but true friends probably wont mock you for liking something different.
Also there's a LOT of bronies out there, so if you come out to the world that you enjoy MLP, you'll likely meet a lot of new friends and if your friends mock you for liking the show, just show them all the friends your getting from being a brony haha Smile Even couples are meeting up at My Little Pony conventions and events, so although there's some possible downsides to putting it all out there, there's a load of great possibilities out there for everyone Smile Being part of a fandom is great for all sorts of people as you can really unleash your talent into the community.
Many people will mock others for uploading things, even if it's really good, it's very common and they might not even care about you liking the show Smile Good Luck <3