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Being bullied, please help? - Printable Version

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Being bullied, please help? - Hannah - 11-09-2012 01:46 PM

Whenever I walk into the room when I go to school, everyone looks at me like I did something. They all go quiet. This girl and her clique gives me looks and then laugh at me. My books got stolen by this other girl and her group. On facebook my friend put a video up of me talking to her on webcam, then she started saying things to people things I didn't say. People started putting mugshots of me on facebook and they are secretly taking pictures of me behind my back in lessons.They laugh at me and I'm always in detention for losing my books when they are actually stolen. I spoke to the teachers, and the teachers don't believe me. They all think its an excuse to get out of detention. Because all their students are lovely..... My mum let me see a psychiatrist to see if she could think of anything to do about it. An option was to move schools. We can't do that because there is one high school in the area and my mum can't move because of her charity work. The other schools are an hour away or more. I can't home school because my mum doesn't have the time or money.... What should I do?

- Qasim - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

I feel so sorry for you. I have the same problem as you. I told my principal, told that the teachers never believed me, I was completely honest. Please. Just do it.

- James - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

Wow, your schoolmates are disgusting. Did you ever do anything bad to someone?

- Martin - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

Take snapshots of any internet or facebook evidence and show your mum. Show her the facebook video. Then ask your mum to make an official bullying complaint to the head of the school and take any evidence in to show them.

Also, tell the school authorities that you are considering involving the police. That should get them to take notice and take you seriously.

- bubblegumpandabear - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

First, tell the principal and print out the pictures off of facebook as proof. (when you tell the principal, be sure not to spice it up because then the situation could be turned and you could be seen as a liar.) Don't bother with the idiot teachers who theink they're perfect, thus making their students perfect. Also, don't let the people around you know it's bothering you. I know this seems like something everyone would say but it seariously works. If you can, laugh in their faces as they make fun of you. Watch something funny and think abaout itor just imagine them looking stupid. Tell you friend in the most civil way you can, that she hurt you but you're willing to forgive her (if you are). Either way, in the end you will make more friends. I hope people stop bothering you and bullying you- I really hate buyylign. Hope I helped Smile

- Guy Montag - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

I completely agree with Qasim, it's the best way to get rid of them.

I've been bullied in the past as well, but having things stolen was the breaking point for me. I confronted my Assistant principal and he talked with the others as well as the School-Wide Principal and they took care of the kids in the way of my learning experience. It took about a week to finish things up, but since then, I haven't been bullied at all.

- Felicity - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

You need to show these people that they dont get to you. The more you show them that its upsetting you, the more they'll do it. Seriously. In my experience the only way to stop it was to just ignore it, then they got bored and moved on.. Laugh about the photo's even if its killing you inside, this will show them that all their time and efforts for finding pictures of you are wasted, people who spend their time laughing at others are wasters, no joke, they'll all end up with a degree in fuck all.. A lot of people say teachers need to be told, but i understand its hard if they wont believe you, when they steal your books, tell the teacher before the lesson that you havent got it because someone else has, you dont want to make it sound like you're telling on them though because teachers hate snitches, so be careful how you phrase it.. There are going to be others who may be in the same situation as you, so find them, be friends with them and stick together.. just laugh and smile all the time and show them you dont care.. hope this helps, let me know Smile

- alz - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

Wish I could help you because i hate bully's, try to get your mum to go up the school and see the head teacher if not the deputy head, and if nothing is done get her to go again, if that doesn't work threaten the school that you will get the police involved due to harassment ( the school will not want the bad press so they may act on this threat ) also I suggest writing a list of all the things that this girl and her sad little gang are doing. I know what you've described is horrible and upsetting and sometimes mental bullying is worse than physical bullying however at the moment it's not physical and thank god you haven't been hurt. If it does become physical then the police is the next step. Hope u ok x

- Merrybeginner497 - 11-09-2012 01:55 PM

Have your mom go with you to the principal of your school so that he or she will understand that it is a serious matter that she wants him or her to deal with..