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Can you give me advice on how to get a girlfriend? - Printable Version

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Can you give me advice on how to get a girlfriend? - Mike - 11-09-2012 04:33 PM

I'm 16 and am looking for a girlfriend, does anyone have any tips?

- Samantha777 - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

Be yourself, its the best advice someone could give you... If someone doesn't come along and love you for who you are... then they sure as hell don't deserve your love in reply...

- Pauly Vito - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

you should wear a pretty dress and a fancy purse

- Carii - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

girls love confidence and they love a guy that can make them laugh. just be yourself a girl will like you for you regardless.

- Katy - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

BE YOURSELF! never act like someone different. trust me, she'll leave you super quick if she finds out you're someone different

- Vee - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

Try the social networks like the dating clubs.

- Notebook Boy - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

I would be your girlfriend, but I go out with someone called Arsenold Redemption. Sorry.

- Mohammad - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

choose one who is not engaged, than come touch with many silly matter,realize and believe will help you to get someone

- Jessica - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

the way you can get a girlfriend is be yourself an don't try to make yourself look cool and also be a nice guy to be around and dress good

- ROFLcopterXD - 11-09-2012 04:41 PM

I'm 17, so I guess i can help you cause we are around the same age range.

Well when you see a girl you like, anywhere..go up to her and ask if she has a boyfriend. If she says no, ask her for a number.
If you get rejected, don't worry..there will be plenty of girls out there who WILL give you their number.
I get asked that sometimes even if the guy is really ugly, I always feel flattered and quite good about boosts my self confidence.

Also, go out with your friends to places such as 16+ raves and clubs, or just the local shopping centre, girls always hang out there, and see if you can pull a girl.

Have self confidence in real life. Laugh, joke, hang out with friends and look confident. I , and many girls I know LOVE guys with a lot of confidence makes them more appealing. Also a sense of humour. I wouldn't care what a guy looked like if he made me laugh Smile

Another way (although I don't recommend it as it can make you become less confident in the real world, but it is quite fun and things may happen for you) is to go on and create an account. It's basically a dating/friendship website for teenagers and it is is kinda like Facebook except you don't know anyone. You can use that to talk to different people, and find someone who lives near you to talk to and meet up with and hopefully become more than friends? I used to have an account in there, and met up with guys who have now stayed my good friends Smile. [add my friend Avery icbatoputmylastname]

Before you try any girl-friend getting tips, just think about ways you can improve your looks if you don't think you look great? Take style tips and find current fashion trends ect,..girls LOVE it when a guy looks great and wears nice clothes, with a great hair.

Another thing, love yourself and have self comfidence..If you are shy, you won't have the courage to go up to a girl. Just do it, Its worth a shot , YOLO lol Smile

Hope that's helpssss ^_^ xxoo