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How much back child support you must be in before you have a warrant out for your arrest? - Printable Version

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How much back child support you must be in before you have a warrant out for your arrest? - holla - 11-09-2012 04:35 PM

My fiance is in thousand of dollars in back child support. How much does this have to accumulate before a warrant is out for his arrest?How does warrant works in child support?

- Jerry - 11-09-2012 04:43 PM

OK, technically, you cannot be arrested for having back Child Support. That's a civil award. You can have a bench warrant issued for being in contempt of court (failing to pay your support). That varies by state. Some states have really cracked down and only being behind a month can get you a bench warrant issued.

- Ranger4402 - 11-09-2012 04:43 PM

That depends on the state. That depends on whether the custodial parent is on public assistance because of no child support being paid. That depends on the state budget for child support enforcement. In general if an ex does not pay and the custodial parent is not on welfare then that person will be a lower enforcement priority. There are too many others who don't get paid child support and they do end up on public assistance.

- Walter - 11-09-2012 04:43 PM

This question just shows how vindictive you are!

Why try to punish this guy?

Fortunately they won't put him in jail if he has his wits about him and has good excuses as to why he can't pay. They know that a person incarcerated can't pay support so they don't usually do it until there's 10's of thousands and years of no effort. I hope he gets away with it and you rot.

- steepshow568 - 11-09-2012 04:43 PM

There is no set amount.

Why are there arrears? If there is a legitimate reason, such as unemployment, the obligor can still file for a reduction in them. Most Child Support obligors do not know there is free help from the state, by federal law, to obtain a modification. At the minimum, a motion should be filed to have any interest penalties set aside, which can double or triple the amount owed. Of the total media “reported” amount of child support owed, 83% if interest penalties and not unpaid child support. These links will teach what needs to be known about child support.
Federal Child Support Enforcement Handbook for Non-Custodial Parents

To learn a father's rights, join Dads House Educational Center in Yahoo Groups. It's free to join and access all materials. You also associate with other fathers going through, and have already gone through, the same issues. We have an Educational Manual that teaches everything that needs to be known in addressing your legal issues. Mention your question here when asked why you want to join, as well as your state?
2nd Wife Club in Yahoo Groups, for those brave enough to take on a man with "baggage".

For 22 years, I have volunteered my time working with divorced/single fathers dealing in family law issues, such as child support, teaching them about what the states are not telling support obligors.