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How can I leave my abusive (emotionally abusive) boyfriend ? - Printable Version

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How can I leave my abusive (emotionally abusive) boyfriend ? - Lily - 11-09-2012 04:36 PM

I'm with my boyfriend for 4 years and loved him so much. There is no trust between us. He is one of the kind who doesn't believe you. He always accuse me of cheating. When he gets upset, he says whatever he wants then he begs and apologize ... He forced me to close my Facebook not to see my friends but he adds at least 10 girls a day. I am so confused. He is still leaving with parents, he is 36 and has to be home on time. I don't understand this. Am I stupid? Sad

- PestySwami395 - 11-09-2012 04:44 PM

Just tell him it's over and don't go back even if he begs and apologizes.

- sheloves_dablues - 11-09-2012 04:44 PM


You have no trust. He verbally abuses you. He's controlling and insecure.

I'm not sure why it would be hard to leave someone you don't even live with. Simply tell him you don't love a man who treats you badly and that your relationship is over.

- Bunny - 11-09-2012 04:44 PM

You change your number and move from wherever you live so he can not find you.You don't live together and no kids so what's the big problem?!

- Kristopher S - 11-09-2012 04:44 PM

Im a guy. So I know how he thinks. He knows you re a woman and knows you re loyal. The only way he ll change you ll have to cut him off. If a girl cuts a guy off and sees that she s really serious and he really loves her he ll do anything in his power to change. And this is not a couple of weeks thing. A guy will change to get something he loves if he doesnt he didnt care from the start.

- Shea - 11-09-2012 04:44 PM

Are you chained to something? If not, pack and leave. Trust me when I say you don't really want an answer to the "Am I stupid" question.

As motivation to leave, read what you wrote here. What would you suggest someone who admitted these things to do? Forget about the sex that you think is so good because at least 10 more girls per-day can attest to it.

Leave. You can do and deserve better.

- Jude - 11-09-2012 04:44 PM

your choices create your destiny. its usually the person doing the accusing who is the cheater. this guy is a loser who has no control over his life so he tries to control your life. he also has no boundaries a man who loves you would be more discreet and watch his mouth. he can't force you to do anything you don't want to do, you need to stand up for yourself and not allow anyone to control your life.