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Becoming friends with girls who have boyfriends? - Printable Version

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Becoming friends with girls who have boyfriends? - Joshua - 11-09-2012 04:36 PM

I met this girl in a club the other night and we had a cool chat. We seemed to have a bit in common, I want to pursue a friendship with her. I also danced with her boyfriend (they were seperate) that night. We've added eachother on facebook. She immediately posted on my wall the next morning.Want to get to know her, but will she seem more resistant because she has a boyfriend?

- jamfires - 11-09-2012 04:44 PM

She doesn't seem resistant, considering the chat and the facebook thing. Treat her like you would a sister or a guy friend, don't flirt too much, and don't text her every hour. Otherwise, it should be fine, especially since you also met her boyfriend. Believe it or not, us girls who are in a relationship do really want to have some male friends as well!