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How to tell my parents I have a boyfriend? - Printable Version

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How to tell my parents I have a boyfriend? - Messy Roo - 11-09-2012 04:38 PM

I am 14 and this guy I really like who is my age just asked me out a few weeks ago. I said yes. Now, my friends found out my facebook password and changed my relationship status. I haven't told my parents yet. My mom has facebook. How can I tell my mom i have a boyfriend. And my dad is also kind of overprotective. He still thinks im an innocent 10 year old. How do I tell my parents I have a boyfriend?

- Brian Badonde - 11-09-2012 04:46 PM

If they ask you about it just say "yeah... I got a boyfriend." Simplez Smile

- Victor - 11-09-2012 04:46 PM

ah ok well since you're 14 you can play it off as a playful relationship. Be like, "Oh yeah he's my boyfriend, I think he's cute" That way... your parents think it's just a playful kind of thing and won't mess with you too much. Once they don't really mind, you wait a while and then you can do stuff like invite him over, or ask to go places with him. Make sure you act like you're involving your parents and stuff it makes them feel better. Also... if you're almost 15, I would just wait till you're 15. 15 is a more date-appropriate relationship age. DO NOT defend yourself with "you can't tell me what to do because I love him" THAT WILL GET YOU SHOT DOWN in 2.5 seconds. Just be like "it's just a boyfriend" Make it look like it's not a big deal. Also... if they do let you, don't fucking have sex with him... if you do your parents will hate you forever. There you have it...

- Brikdect - 11-09-2012 04:46 PM

Your mom has facebook? All hope for you, and the person you'll become, is lost. People over 30 should NOT have facebook.

- Unluckyriddle958 - 11-09-2012 04:46 PM

Change your facebook password and change your relationship status to single ... NOW!!!! Why are you still reading this? GO DO THAT NOW!!!
Okay i said that because if anything you DO NOT want them to find out through facebook, that is one of the worst ways. Wait for them to be in a really good mood or really tired, like flat out i'm about to die tired. (: That way they might not really be paying attention, and if they are in a good mood try explaining how much feelings you have for him[but not too much]. Also bring up their past relationships, this usually REALLY helps especially if they dated younger than 14 and they kind of get a picture of where your coming from and have more chances of not overeacting.

I wish you the best (even though I'm a stranger Tongue) and hope your parents understand you and let you date.