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Is 107 pounds heavy for someone 5'6 and 13 years? - Printable Version

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Is 107 pounds heavy for someone 5'6 and 13 years? - Kiera - 10-02-2012 06:12 AM

When i was little, I was very chubby and not the prettiest, and i was bullied everyday for it. Even grown adults would tell me i was fat and i started to grow so self-concious i didnt even want to go to school. Even my friends called me fat. Now, i have hit puberty and people call me pretty and even skinny, but i cant believe it. In my eyes, i still see a fat little girl and i cant help it. Sometimes i cry at night because i want this depression to end. I want to see the 'pretty, skinny' girl everyone else sees. Everyone thinks im trying to 'fish for compliments' or 'i seek attention'. but im not. sometimes i cry infront of my friends and parents when i talk about the way i weigh or look. I just need help, and i want to learn how to love can i do it. If you wish to view photos of me, you can. I'm 13, 5'6 and 107 pounds.




BY the way.. I don't want you guys to comment about the way I look. I want you guys to tell me how I can get help. Thank you.

- Simona - 10-02-2012 06:20 AM

no,you're actually skinny Smile
and you're pretty ^u^

- Linds - 10-02-2012 06:20 AM

107 pounds is fairly underweight for a 5'6 height.

- Leah - 10-02-2012 06:20 AM

Im 5 2 age 19 weigh 125
I appear to have a slim demeanor though because my body porportions are right.
Would i like to be slimmer? I wouldnt mind but i rather be muscular.

- Guardian - 10-02-2012 06:20 AM

Your age isn't the key here, your height is. YOur weight is fine, as long as you eat healthy by getting enough fruit vegetables and lean meats in your diet

Cardio daily of about 30 to 40 minutes of low to moderate exercises like walking, light jogging bike riding or dance aerobics

Staying off the junk food sugary foods and sweets cakes and take away...
Or fast food..

Drink water, nd no fizzy drinks like coke and no energy drinks they're all rubbish a wear out the enamel in your hey can cause heart palpitations... They're highly charged in caffeine

So eat drink healthy and sleep at the same bed time every day get about 8 hours sleep...

Think positive and don't worry what there say, words won't kill you, bad eating will lol


- Bethan - 10-02-2012 06:20 AM

No you are skinny and pretty. I am shorter than you and I weigh more than you and I am still quite skinny. Your BMI is 17.27 which is really good!

- Hilary R - 10-02-2012 06:20 AM

I know how you feel because we're about the same size. It took me years to get it because I was such a plump kid (not fat but baby fat plump) and an awkward adolescent. Stare at yourself in pictures with other people and the mirror. I know it sounds strange but you don't get to look at yourself a whole lot so it's hard to see what other people do. You should try to find a therapist to help.

- Mandy - 10-02-2012 06:20 AM

The reason you still here the little voice calling you "fat" over and over is because of the constant past bullying even if it was coming from adults,which may I add should be ashamed of telling a child they're "fat". Negative criticism on children can be seen here! It's drilled into your head so mentally that's all you know! I would recommend that since its seems you are blooming into a beautiful young lady that you should walk around with confidence and tell these people that you do feel pretty now that they themselves didn't have a problem with calling you fat and your tired of it. If you will constantly tell yourself you are pretty an hopefully have some others that see the change too support you then hopefully mentally the bullying hasn't overcame you yet and you can change your mind into knowing this new beautiful young lady as well! We shall not judge children!! And although you may not think of yourself as a child you are. Just keep yourself
Physically fit in a good healthy routine like in the previous answer you'll be fine!