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What is the future of books and writers? - Printable Version

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What is the future of books and writers? - Pranav Rawlot - 11-09-2012 04:43 PM

Writing is my passion and books were all the fun a time back, but now with internet, movies and facebook, people scarcely read books, and if they do, then also free downloads. Do you read books? Whats my, and other writers future, and book's??

- gawesome12 - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

I love to read and write. And I also want to write when I get older, there will be books don't worry! There will most likely be E-books instead of the books that we have today. Don't worry books cannot and will not go away!

- john - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

Well let's see, I'm 17 and I read roughly 2 books a month sometimes more or less depending on the book, this year I've read the Game of Thrones series, Dune, the Forever War, Flags of our Fathers, Macbeth(not for school), and a couple historical books(again by choice, not because of school). I love reading, Unfortunatly no one else I know really does, a lot of kids after a test sit and stare off into space rather then read, and I call that idiocy, reading is a sign of knowledge, 700 years ago only 6 percent of the population could read, and they were ruled over by kings, who could read. Then that number slowly escalated, in 1770 the percentage of people that could read in America was double that of England, and America rebelled because they realized it was tyranny they were dealing with. Now most of the population can read and therefore politics have shifted so dramatically that between presidents not much happens because so many people are into it and get mad if the do it wrong. People that don't read are morons and I think that sooner or later they will realize that and start reading again, most college kids I know read, as oppose to kids in my highschool that don't. Reading is a very powerful thing, more so then any army, or any wealth and people need to realize that

- Pieman - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

I think E-books are a fad, and that there will always be books. But books or real books, there will always be someone to write them, and someone to publish them.

- Lex - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

Books are never going to go away. They will change. While I do believe pen and paper books will remain for years to come, a bulk of published books will be converted to eBooks. To me, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm a conusor of ideas. I don't care how ideas are expressed. I enjoy playing out a good story in the form of a video game, or watching it in a movie, or reading it in a book. I just like ideas.

Stories are also going to seem a little more plain to us who are more literate. I like Shakespeare as much as the next guy, but I do not live in Shakespeare's time. Newer books will reflect the whims of modern society. They always have. That won't change.

What I fear will change, is books will stop being honest. They will either go to the extreme of being overly controversial or overly simple or both.

We see it now. Rather than just trying to tell a story, a lot of authors get it in their mind that they have to prove a point, so they weave these really manipulative tales with obvious themes about saving the planet, or slavery or women's rights. They won't base these stories on any particular event or case study. In fact, they don't know anything about the particular topic, but decide they have a right to tell everyone else about it. So they make these overly simplistic and unrealistic and over all manipulative stories trying to make controversy. That has to stop. Or you get these authors that write these books, aimed at the lowest common denominator and they end up selling, even though they don't actually contain anything worthwhile.

That's what I fear.

- Anantha - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

Do not worry.Books writer have future if they change their style of writing in accordance with modern trend and as per requirement of movies,serials etc.