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How to convince my parents to get me a 2nd rabbit? - Printable Version

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How to convince my parents to get me a 2nd rabbit? - animecrazy34 - 11-09-2012 04:43 PM

I am a 14 year old girl and I have a 7-8 month old lop ear rabbit. She is my first rabbit and while I am at school, I believe she gets lonely and I would like to get her a companion. I have told my father that there will not be a problem with babies or anything but he will not let me get a second rabbit. How do I convince him? I think it would benefit my female rabbit a lot.
I take very good care of my first rabbit and love her a lot.

- lowbrush991 - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

Another rabbit wouldn't hurt ..But truth is rabbits are happier by them selves unless you can get one and bond them there is no point in having another rabbit

I have 7 4 adults and 3 5week old babies (all adopted) my 3 babies stay together they love each other but the adults could care less for each other i have 2 that are bonded and the other 2 just want to be alone

- Serena - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

u can tell ur dad ur rabit is terribly lonely n to keep breeding frum happening keep them in sepret cages while not being supervised

- IBeBekah - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

I think it could benefit your rabbit, too, to have a companion. Smile
Rabbits like companions.
And like you said, if you get the same sex rabbit, babies wouldn't be a problem, but fighting -might-.
Rabbits can become territorial.
Tell him something along the lines of, if you can't get a companion for your current rabbit, she'll become depressed from social starvation.
Although this isn't entirely true, it's worth a try. o.o
Otherwise, your dad may have his own reason for not wanting to have a second rabbit. Such as, more waste, more responsibility, more noise, etc.
Good luck!

- Ashley Wanes - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

I did this to get my chinchilla and it worked!
Show your parents how responsible you are by caring for any other animals you have, raise the money yourself so that they don't need to pay and I even made a facebook group that hundreds of people joined, it proved to my parents how desperate I was for one and will show your responsibility.

- Kita - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

If Your Rabbit Is A Female Get Another Female Rabbit, So There Is No Chance Of Breeding Also, My Mum Loves My Rabbit, And She Wouldn't Mind If I Got A 2nd One Just As Long As I Paid For It, As They Can Be Expensive As well As Their Food Can Be Pricey.
So I Would Suggest Telling Your Dad That You Will Pay For Your New Rabbit, And Love It Unconditionally Like Your Rabbit You Have Now. But Before You Ask Your Dad, Make Sure You Have Chosen The Rabbit You Would Like And Have The Money Raised So Then You Can Show How Committed You Are, Hope All Goes Well

- Ray Ray - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

If you don't want ur rabbits to breed, get another female, or have on spayed/nuetered.
If u get 2 females, be aware that females like to groom.
When I first started breeding, i had 1 females together, and little did i notice one was molting, and the other was grooming her.the one that was molting had this ginormo bald spot on her back, and it took a while to grow back.
If you get a female and a male, even if he is nuetered, the boy will try to mate the female, it's their natural instinct.

- Christina Runham - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

try telling your dad that rabbits are naturally social animals and would benefit from having a companion, please remember that if he does agree then you would need to keep both rabbits separate but within sight and scent of each other for a few days as they may well start to fight, also i would suggest getting another doe as breeding as then you have the added expense of more hutches etc, good luck anyway

- Stoneygurl - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

Lop ears really prefer to be left alone. You could get another rabbit, but there is no guarantee that they will get along. the best time 2 get 2 rabbits is if you get the same sex from the same litter.

- Dizzie - 11-09-2012 04:52 PM

You can get another female to keep her company, I would not suggest getting a male since you cant supervise them 24/7 and it takes about a minute for your rabbit to get pregnant once the male jumps her. And really most of the time when teenagers want to get their animal a 'friend' it means they are trying to get a pet of the opposite sex so they can have babies. So I am with your dad on this one really unless you plan on getting a male fixed or getting another female.

Otherwise, your rabbit is probably rather content alone as long as you play with her daily and give her attention, she would see the time your away as relaxing time.