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What should I do to Get my boyfriend back? - Printable Version

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What should I do to Get my boyfriend back? - Salisalits - 11-09-2012 04:45 PM

Hello, I ave been in love for more than six months with my boyfriend. Last week, I posted a really stupid question on Facebook which really pissed him off . He called me and said that he is done with me. I am worried because I don't know what to tell him because even if I apologize, he still doesn't want anything to do with me. what should I do?

- Randi - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

talk to him

- v - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

What was the question? And how old are you both?

- Ashlee - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

give him some space before you talk to him

- Priya P - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

I suggest you talk to him face to face, therefore you can apologize. Im sure once you talk about it and discuss that you thought that it would be funny to post the question and didn't think he was going to take it the wrong way. But I find dumbing you for it abit harsh unless the question you posted offended him or one of his friends commented about it. Best advice i can give you - TALK TO HIM!

- teeny-tinycorn653 - 11-09-2012 04:54 PM

ok here is my blunt suggestion.... forget about him. i know it is easier said than done but honestly he breaks up with you over a question on facebook? who does that esp. if they "love" the person? i mean how bad can a stupid question be for a break up? give it time... if you're gonna be together it'll happen if not there are soooo many other guys out there. don't settle for less.