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As far as contacting adopted children.Do the same rules that apply to birth parents apply to siblings? - Printable Version

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As far as contacting adopted children.Do the same rules that apply to birth parents apply to siblings? - Baby gray eyes - 11-09-2012 04:47 PM

My daughter found out she was adopted on Facebook!Now what?
'I ask this question yesterday and received some very understanding answers.Now I want to know,if a child of my daughter's birth mother is the culprit,who contacted her.Can I have a restraining order taken out or is it innocent curiosity?

- Live GREEN - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I think it's a individual crack in the law and a judge would have to make a decision.
Who knows you may make new case law!

- 7rin - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

You'd be no dad if you did try it.

Stop being such an arse and let her learn who she is.

Your best bet is to beg beg and beg some more, and pass these links on to her:

Late discovery of being adopted @

Adopted – but we didn't know @

What is it with so many late discovery adoptees? (Y!A) @

For those who discovered they were adopted after they've reached adulthood @

**** **** **** **** **** ****

Brian Moore: the abuse and abandonment that shaped rugby's Pit Bull @

Brian Moore: I was abused as a child @

- frockney - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

You are very cold blooded. I wouldn't want you as my parent. Thank God, I had my own birth parents. I feel sorry for all adoptees, especially yours.

How can you be so cold-hearted and get the law onto your so-called "child's" birth-family?

- Ann - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

Hi, When you adopt a child, you do so knowing the child has another family besides the one you're becoming. When we love our children, we want them to grow up happy, secure and emotionally stable. We earn our adopted children's respect and love with honesty, acknowledging their history and accepting them for who they are. Depriving your daughter at a chance of knowing a sibling or birth mother can cause long-term harm to your relationship. We, as parents have to trust in our children at this age and allow them to decide what's best for them.

I decided to answer this question even though I have doubts on your sincerity (your profile says you are female, but some of your questions state "I am male"). If you are your enjoying yourself making up scenarios, you have my sympathy for such an empty life. If you are really going through this situation with your daughter, I hope you accept she has another family.

- brielle21 - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

I am an adopted child. You need to let her find out who she is and where she comes from. Of course she will always love you and you will always be her father but please do not stop her from re searching and finding out. You will only make it worse on her.

- happyWanderer462 - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

Go back under your bridge, boy.

- Pip - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

Your child's sibling(s) have a moral right to know your daughter. It would be incredibly cruel of you to have a restraining order out on ANY member of her natural family. You also run the risk of losing your daughter if you behave badly. You're the adult here so behave like one and your daughter will have your respect. Put barriers in the way and she could end up hating you.

ETA I checked out the question Sigy posted the link to and according to that you're 15

- Neil - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

WHAT "same rules"?

There are no universal rules about contact.

Frankly, I think the waaaaay bigger problem than her now knowing she was adopted is her NOT knowing before.

- Rosie - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

You were a troll yesterday and you are a troll today.

You don't have a daughter, unless you count your dolls.