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Is it acceptable for a parent to snoop and tamper with their 16-year-olds Facebook account? - Printable Version

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Is it acceptable for a parent to snoop and tamper with their 16-year-olds Facebook account? - Paine - 11-09-2012 04:51 PM

- La Volpe - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

Nope. To read what's on his Facebook Page is one thing, but to change the password? Thats like changing the locks to your child's house because you don't approve of the neighborhood!

Don't give me that crap about "He's 16! She has every right." She had NO right to invade his privacy, She certainly had NO right to change the password and if she had an active brain cell in her head she'd have sat down and talked to him.

- Tom R - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

i just heard about something like this on the radio. a kid is suing his parent because he said they changed his account , slandered him , an changed his email password so he cant access it. that is extreme on both sides. however parents have the responsibitlity of keeping kids safe an out of trouble. the bullying case of the irish girl is an example. obviously the parents of the bullys didnt know what was happening an now their kids are charged with some serious crimes. i think it can be justified but you have to pick your battles. the teen will feel violated

- dave g - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

Where did the kid raise the funds to hire a lawyer to launch this lawsuit though? Didnt think McDonalds paid so well.

- lowbasket727 - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

Yes and the prosecutors in cases such as this one should be charged with something ranging from harassment to pedophilia.

- stanthemansmum - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

16 is a bit to old for a parent to violate their privacy like this. In the UK their kids could be working full time, marry with their parent's consent, and live on their own - again with parental consent. I know in the US people of this age are still thought of as children.

My daughter is 13 and I do police her Facebook account - not to disturb her privacy but because of an incident which she had no control over and which could have got her in a lot of trouble - and found that there were a couple of unsavoury characters on her friends list - they contacted her through the various games. I now just remove any more adult sites and invites to join groups and check her friends list every now and again - but I will not be doing that when she is 16!!

- Jollycellar592 - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

I think I would snoop but I would not tamper, & change their password. If I found something I would talk to my son about it. I would also advise him that I wanted to be able to look at his social networking pages so that he knew.
I also think that the courts are out of control if they even hear this kind of lawsuit. This is a family problem not a legal issue. If my son lives in my house he has to obey the rules. Counseling with an outsider is always an option, but if my kids think they can sue me about home rules like this one they need to look for a place to live where they pay all the bills.
One of the rules here is that no computer is private, mine or theirs as we do not tolerate porn. anyone can inspect my computer or theirs and if porn is found it is taken away. But nobody secretly does anything, this is a known rule of the house.


- The Pikey. - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

When I was 16 I had a kid and was living with my (then) hubby to be.

I feel that at 16 they are almost an adult and it is completely wrong to go meddling like that. Yeah, you make mistakes at 16 but that's part of growing up and maturing. It's not like when you're 18 you suddenly magically know what the world is about.

I think him suing them is ridiculous though.

- lilith663 - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

Snoop, yes. Tamper like that, don't think so. She should have spoken to her son. If more parents snopped, some of those school shootings would not have taken place. The kids might have gotten the help they needed. They put things on those stupid sites that they never would sit down and speak to their parents about.

If the kid is only 16 and living at home, his parents to do have a say. They are paying the bills.

- nelly - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM


I guess facebook is the modern version of a diary. These things are private and at 16, the kid has a right to some privacy. I'd have died of embarassment if my mum had read my diary and let's face it - it wasn't always true!

I think she should have just spoken to him about it. Hacking in and barring him from his account is pointless as he'll just create another one.

I keep an eye on my daughter's home page and have a look at her friend list from time to time - but then she's only 12.