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How to ask someone to help you start a band? - Printable Version

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How to ask someone to help you start a band? - EY - 11-09-2012 04:53 PM

I want to ask someone I know (Not very close) to help me start a band. How do I ask him since we aren't that close. I'm thinking about sending him a message on facebook like "Hi. I kinda want to start a band. interested?" Is that weird? Is it creepy? PLEASE HELP!

- Kristi - 11-09-2012 05:01 PM

hey there, how are you, look this might be weird but, I just thought I ask you if you wanted to start a band with me? See I think your really good and I think we be good together, So if you are interested then let me know please and thank you.

- nasty troll - 11-09-2012 05:01 PM

Facebook in itself is just creepy, the art of actually going out and meeting people has been lost in this generation, back in the day there were bars, coffee houses, festivals, and open mic nights at several venues where you could meet and talk to other musicians and the people that were there to hear you play, these days its all Facebook and Youtube. no human contact is needed, perhaps that's the reason music these days is lacking any real substance, but I guess in this new day and age that's the only choice you have, guess it wont hurt to ask, creepy or not.