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How do i get my girlfriend back? - Printable Version

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How do i get my girlfriend back? - John Doe - 11-09-2012 04:53 PM

Well we had some small problems with her family. Her grandfather didn't want us to date
but we did anyway. Than as it was getting bigger she told me that her
mom told her to change her relationship status on her facebook because
she had to many people who go to there church and they are messy. Than she told me
( Ohk Bae dnt get mad but my frien want me to put them as my relationship status that we r married just as friends ) and a few day after that i find out they are dateing

Plus she always tells me she love to a lot

- Vamp - 11-09-2012 05:01 PM

I am afraid this one is over.

The reality is that she is seeing someone else, and she has chosen to put her fb status as "married". That's a pretty strong statement that she has moved on from you.

Although she said that her original relationship status change was because of her mother, you do need to consider that that might just be the story she was telling you. It was easy to blame her mother (after all you aren't going to go and ask). When you add that to the fact that she did not tell you she was going out with someone else.... Well, it suggests that she may not be being entirely honest with you.

She sounds to me like someone who is avoiding what she sees as a possibly unpleasant task - having to tell you that she is no longer interested. Unfortunately that means she is stringing you along.

From your question, I think you know that she has left you.

Unfortunately, there is usually no way of getting someone back. There is rarely any simple reason why a relationship breaks down, and I am afraid that the most common reason is that the relationship has reached its natural end. Regrettably there is usually one person who is ready to move on first.

Even if you can identify the reasons why the relationship has ended, you still need to be able to resolve those problems. That takes commitment from both of you. Unless you both want to repair the relationship and, importantly, are both prepared to work at it then any attempt to get back together will founder on the same issues.

I do not see any evidence that she does want to get back together never mind put in the effort that will entail.

I am sorry but this is the way life works.

Best wishes.