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How to hide facebook contacts in phonebook on HTC Amaze 4G? - Printable Version

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How to hide facebook contacts in phonebook on HTC Amaze 4G? - sodasinger - 11-09-2012 04:55 PM

Whenever I click "Phone" on the HTC Amaze 4G, my Facebook friends and their phone numbers show up on my contacts list. How do I take them off?
My Facebook account and my contacts are not synced when I look in settings...

- Yuuuup - 11-09-2012 05:03 PM

To edit the name of one of your lists:
1.Go to your lists page (Home > Lists > More)
2.Click on the list you want to edit
3.Click the Manage List dropdown at the top of the page and select Rename List
4.Type in the new name and save your changes
When you change the name of a smart list, only you can see the new name. So if Bob changes the name of his San Francisco list to SF People and shares with that list, the friends on that list will still see “Bob’s San Francisco Friends” in the audience icon. Remember that when you share with a list, the friends you share with can only see the name of the list if it’s a smart list.

Note: Close Friends, Acquaintances and Restricted can’t be renamed because of their unique properties.