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How do I tell my friends I'm moving? - Printable Version

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How do I tell my friends I'm moving? - Maddie - 11-09-2012 04:58 PM

I have a general group of friends. There's a few that I'm incredibly close with, a few that are just friends (but still mean a lot to me).
My mom is going back to school and we're moving a few states away. We will still have ways to communicate through Facebook, Skype, etc.
I was wondering, how do I tell them I'm moving? This week is the last week of school and I'm planning to bring in a sweatshirt on Friday for everyone to sign. How do I tell them?

- RIcky - 11-09-2012 05:06 PM

just say it and be cool about it and thank them for being youre friends and that youll try to visit them... if you have a gf then itll b a quite bit more complicated.

- Eric Oppenheimer - 11-09-2012 05:06 PM

This is how you tell them: "Friends, I am moving, sign my shirt.

- softballgeek - 11-09-2012 05:06 PM

Just tell them. Invite them all over your house, or just somewhere where you're alone. They will probably be sad and will cry, but remind them about skyping and facebook. Also, ask your parents if you can have a going away party and invite all of your close friends to say goodbye. You can take pictures and make scrapbooks and watch movies all night. Yes it will be sad, but theirs no way to tell them without disappointing anyone

- Riley Jay - 11-09-2012 05:06 PM

Just tell them. Say "Hay guys I have to tell you something." Just be cool about it and make sure to take tones of pictures this week. Don't wait to tell the last like two days,,