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My boyfriend is always deleting wallposts on his facebook so I don't see it? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend is always deleting wallposts on his facebook so I don't see it? - Skilz Oner - 11-09-2012 05:01 PM

We've been together since June 14th, 2010. We live an hour apart, but see each other a few times a month. I'm 17, he's 19.

Well, for his Facebook.. he uses my old email so I get notifications on it from his Facebook. About 2 weeks ago, I checked that email and there was email notifications on there from his cousin posting on his wall... my boyfriend deleted it so I wouldn't see it. It said ''cuff your chick foo'' which means as if your girl is doing something crazy or having fun, etc.. I wasn't doing anything when he posted that? My boyfriend deleted it before I saw it.

After I told him to stop hiding these wall posts from me.. I log onto the email today, to find another wall post that was deleted before I saw it! From his cousin. I only got notifications of the comments his cousin posted but I don't know what my boyfriend had said. Here's what his cousin said:

Cousin: Why you so gay foo?
Cousin: Don't call me what you already are haha
Cousin: That's why I got your girl up here huh? Haha just playing
Cousin: Delete this before she see's it

I'm soo tired of him hiding stuff from me. It's ONLY a wall post, but if it has to be deleted so I can't see it then there's something suspicious about it. Especially when the first time, he said cuff your chick.. I wasn't even doing anything that night. Second time, he tells my boyfriend he got his girl? His cousin doesn't even like me so I don't know why he'd say that.

I feel like messaging his cousin and telling him to stop telling my bf stupid shit and telling him to delete it so I won't see it, but I don't know. I feel hurt cause he try's hiding it from me :/

Ugh. What to do?

- olderwiser100a - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

the issue is his hiding things from you. it always looks suspicious when we do things like that. he may think he is protecting you from things his cousin is saying, but the reality is, he is hiding things from you. you asked him to stop deleting the posts, he didn't. which still makes one suspicious that he is hiding things other than messages from his cousin. you have to be open and honest in a relationship. anything else means he doesn't value you or the relationship in the way he should.

- Rob - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

If you get the email, then you already see the content. He's deleting it, not to hide it from you, but to take down mean things his cousin is saying. You're reacting to something that is most likely a good thing.

Also, your bf is an idiot for using your email for his notifications.