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Why do people put their private lives on Facebook? - Printable Version

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- tess - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

I think its partly because, although these things are what would generally be considered intensely private, they're things people really want to talk to someone about. But they don't know WHO they can talk to and so they are reaching out. A lot of people will ignore the status because they don't want to get involved, and a lot more people will comment "I'm sorry!" and offer some empty advice. But the person's truest friends will call them up and make sure everything is okay.

Other "inappropriate" things people do and say online are from the strange sense of micro-celebrity they get. When someone posts something shocking as their status, they will usually get a lot of comments, and that makes them feel like people are paying attention to them, even if for the wrong reasons.

- fatweek874 - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

That's exactly why I'm not allowed to have a facebook. People find it cool when they share their dirty little secrets with the world. :-P