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How would I deal with moving away from friends? - Printable Version

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How would I deal with moving away from friends? - october2008 - 11-09-2012 05:01 PM

How did you deal with moving away from friends? I'm moving from California to Texas with my mother and youngest brother in about 2 1/2 months. It would be kinda hard for to move away from friends because I graduated with them in my high school class of 2008. We spent time together, went on field trips together, and kept each other's company. Now I have to move elsewhere and make new friends and be around new people. But I keep in touch with them through Facebook.

- Ayicia M - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Well social networking is not so bad but another wonderful idea is to get a webcaam! If u dont know, a webcam allows you two to see/hear eachother...almost like you're face to face. You can talk about just about anything like normal.
Once you get a webcam you can chat via or (those are the only ones i know) Thats about all i can think of...Oh and dont forget to call every now and then. Smile

- Vegas Jimmy - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

I went all 12 years with many of my classmates at graduation, some 13 years, if you include kindergarten. With a few brief exceptions, I haven't seen any of them since. It happens anyway.

I once had a teacher, and when we made a mistake he would point over his shoulder and say "That's back there, we're going THIS way." and point ahead. The way you deal with separation from old friends is to do your best to always be their friend, and keep in touch as much as possible, but to also be open to making new friends.

Life will be like this. Which way are you going?

- Jason - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Look for opportunities to do fun things with them before you leave. You know what you all enjoyed the most, so take advantage of the time you have left. The good news is the world is much "smaller" these days due to technology. Like you listed in your description, you can keep touch with Facebook. There's also video conferencing like "Skype." Take comfort in knowing you have these avenues. There's nothing wrong with writing old fashioned letters or making telephone calls either.

Life is full of change. Tomorrow will not be the same as today. It's not always a comfortable thing, but in this case feel blessed that you had an opportunity to cross paths with these great people, and look forward to the additional friendships you'll develop in Texas. You're not subtracting friends! You're actually adding many more! Good luck.