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Is my house haunted? Please read? - Printable Version

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Is my house haunted? Please read? - danielpattiz - 11-09-2012 05:01 PM

I don't neccesarily believe in Ghosts, but I don't not believe in them either. My great grandma passed away may 30 2012 one day before her 90th b-day. Recently strange things have been hapening in our house, the house she died in. One night I was home alone with my little sister and I was about to put her to bed when I turned off the living room light because it was annoying me. When I came back from my sisters room it was turned On again. I was the only one in the house. My great grandma always hated having the lights off at night, my grandpa too. I prefer darkness, I don't know why.

Another happening, happened a few days ago. My grandpa was washing some potatoes for dinner and he dried them with a blue towel. I saw him put the towel on the stove and then he left to go tend the bbq. I was with him and I went back to my room because I heard that I got a facebook notification. when he came back from the bbq the towel was gone. We looked all over for it and found it in my sisters room. Very strange.

Also, lately my dog has been sitting in the living room barking at nothing, and sometimes (daily actually) she'll just whine very loudly. She refuses to quit no matter how much how you yell at her. None of my other dpgs do this.

Im not claiming the house to be haunted, im just curious because this is all very strange...............
@Kevin7 lol what are you doing in religion/spirituality?
wow you guy's are no fun! i said i don't believe......i'm just stating the facts and looking for alternative views, which i thought i would get HERE
@Timothy Angelo Thank you! i want alternative views, not just "nope, science say's no therefore its impossible".

- Kevin7 - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Science says no

- Mackey - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM


- Mr Deer - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

No. There's no such things as spirits, ghosts, and supernatural.

- Timothy Angelo - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

It matters on your belief. Science may not agree but there is a line between science and belief. Still many things are left unexplained by science, so it's possible. If you do believe your house is haunted, don't be weirded out. Embrace the fact that you're in your grandmother's pressence. Think of it as, "she chose to stay to be with you."

- Teawitch - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Yes. I think she is there and happy. Could be playing with you to make you smile. Bunny would look at Dad's old chair after he passed cocking her head like she was listening to him and I would smell his cigarettes when no one was about. I have had other personal experiences which leads me to believe there are Spirits/Ghosts of loved ones as well as an afterlife.